

Daniel's POV

Sitting behind the kitchen counter, I had a cup of coffee to my lips as I scrolled through my laptop. Today, I had a few engagements so I had the whole morning to myself.

This morning, since I had nothing to do, I decided to review my work since the week began. When I was done, I rated myself a five star since it was satisfying.

Still sipping from my cup, I allowed my eyes to wander around but didn't find anything of interest. Bored out of my mind, I returned to my room, hoping to get lost in a journal but I couldn't stay still and so I had no choice but to prepare and leave for work.

About an hour later, I was in the company's garage, swinging my briefcase as I made my way to the elevator that was going to take me to my office.

Some staff were gathered at a corner chattering, I wanted to know what they were talking about but I didn't stop even for a second.

On getting to my office, I met Mike arranging some files on the table and immediately he saw me, he straightened
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