
Frustrating Interruption

Kade's POV

I managed to put aside any other thoughts of my daughter's friend for an entire weekend. I was extremely proud of myself, seeing as it was a feat I had originally found impossible.

It was Sunday morning, and a plate of scrambled eggs sat in front of me, prepared by Elva. Beside the plate was my laptop, open to a Zoom meeting page.

I spooned a forkful of eggs into my mouth as I spoke. "Go on, Gregory."

"I...I mean, we would like to know when you would be returning to the head company, sir." Gregory said.

I sighed and dropped my fork. "Like I have said half a dozen times already, my business in New York is far from complete. When I am done, you will see me in Seattle."

Gregory opened his mouth to speak again, but was silenced by a loud knock on the door. I paused my breakfast to glance up, when another knock sliced through the silence.

"A minute, please." I murmured and stood to my feet, heading for the door.

I threw it open, and I was met face to face with the object of thoughts I'd tried so valiantly to avoid.


I squeezed my eyes shut. Not angel, you fool. Angelina!

"Mr Ashton?" Came her sweet, soft voice in question. Damn, how I wished I could shut her up by claiming her mouth in mine.

Reluctantly and slowly, I peeled my eyes open to stare at her. "Do you need something, Angel—Angelina?"

Angelina smiled, blinking those large, icy blue eyes languidly. "I am sorry to disturb you, but I came here to see Elva. She asked if I could join her on some project? I don't know if she is inside...."

"Oh, she is not. She stepped out a few minutes ago." Against my better judgment, I added. 

"Do you want to wait inside for her?"

And Angelina gave me a smile that made my groin rock-hard. 

"Of course, Mr Ashton."

I opened the door wide, and she sauntered in. Closing the door, I turned to watch her bounce across the living room towards the staircase, her tiny pink back bag galloping against her bottom. All she had on was a short, equally pink sundress, and a pair of white sneakers.

Damn, Damn— and for good measure, damn again! This girl was starting to mess with my head in ways that I could not explain. 

Angelina turned to me, that provocative smile still plastered across her features. "So, what should I do to pass the time while I wait for my friend?"

"You can come sit with me." Even as I said the words, I mentally slapped myself. First, I was still in a Zoom meeting with Gregory. Second, this blonde beauty was the last person I wanted sitting very close to me in a very empty house.

Where was Elva?!

Angelina nodded vigorously. "That's very good, then. There is a teacher whom I would like to tell you about. My Math teacher, actually. Insufferable man...."

Nothing could be more insufferable than having this girl talking my ear off. However, I stayed silent as I led the way to the dining table, where my laptop was still open.

I resumed my seat on the chair, closed off my laptop and turned to her. "Go on, then. Tell me about this Maths teacher."

I looked across the dining table at the earnest young woman perched on the edge of her chair, her face animated with a healthy dose of eagerness. What was she telling me again? I was so lost in the innocence of her beauty that I had so quickly forgotten.

I kept my face impassive as she draped one long, slim leg over the other and lightly linked her hands around a bare knee, staring at me.

She was a true, blue-eyed blonde.

Angelina was quite a beauty, even for a young woman, and, boy, did she know it. And me, who was seldom surprised at much, was taken utterly aback by her.Strangely, I felt three years older than her, rather than sixteen. Against all I knew was right and true, I wanted to take this very inexperienced girl and fuck her witless.

I watched her silently as she spoke. She looked relaxed, leaning back in the chair, a small smile edging the corners of her very sexy mouth upwards. Give her a couple of years and she’d be turning the heads of every man.

"Stop talking and stand up!" I growled suddenly.

Angelina was cut off mid-sentence, and she turned to me with a confused frown on her face. "What?"

It was too late to back off now. "Stand up, Angel." I repeated.

I saw the knowing look flash across her blue eyes, and she swallowed hard. Slowly, she stood to her feet and came closer to my seat. I stood up as well, closing the distance between us.

"You are," I murmured, as my lips edged their way down to hers. I saw the challenge in those eyes that held mine...and as well as not tolerating failure, I also never backed away from a challenge.

"But you're my daughter's friend...."

Angelina inclined her chin up and I could feel her breath on my lips. She felt so tiny and feminine in my arms, and while I knew that I was playing with fire by doing this with my daughter's friend, I couldn’t let her go.

"Then why are you going to kiss me?" She whispered.

"Because it’s either that or put you over my knee and spank you," I murmured. "And I am very well sure you wouldn't like that at all."

She let out a huff of breath against my face. 

"And what if I do?"

"You’re naïve." I whispered hoarsely.

"Not as naive as you would want to believe, Mr Ashton."

"Kissing you would be a mistake,’ I whispered again, even as Angelina's lips lifted to mine.

"I kind of think it is too late for that." She said finally.

The tension between us snapped, as I yanked her slim frame into my solid chest, digging my hands into her hair to move her head so that I could deepen the angle of our kiss. I wanted to touch every corner of her sexy mouth with my tongue. 

My hand quickly slid down to her lower back and I pulled her even closer against me. Suddenly, my stomach swooped when I felt her hips against mine, her small hands sneaking under my shirt to feel the skin of my back and shoulders.

Slowly, she began to grind against the hard bump between my legs, and she let out a slow, languid groan. "Oh, Mr Ashton...." She muttered.

I had never been this hot this quickly for anyone, not even Elva's mother, my ex wife. I closed my eyes as Angelina's quick tongue tasted my bottom lip, then tangled with mine in a long, lazy slide. One hand held the back of her head and the other skimmed the side of her torso, its thumb sliding over the swell of her ass. This had gone too far, I told myself. 

I had to stop this. Now.

Instead I ran the palms of my hands up the back of her silky-soft thighs and finally gripped her ass.

Holy hell, I thought as my hands encountered nothing but warm skin.

Where were her panties? Why the hell was she not wearing panties?

Our kiss immediately deepened, and her grinding on my erection became faster, going from crazy to immensely wild. Angelina's breathing became faster, and I could tell that she was close to an orgasm.

I massaged her ass as I pulled her up against me and...oh, there it was; her panties, or rather, a g-string. A very thin, very sheer strand of cotton. 

I traced my fingers upward and found the T of her g-string, embellished with what seemed to be rhinestones, flat against her lower back. I bunched her dress around her waist and hooked my thumb under the tiny g-string. Then I rubbed that gorgeous patch of skin. So soft, so smooth... I could snap the g-string with a quick twist, and get even closer to her skin.

"Dad?" Elva's voice came behind me, and I hastily tore myself away from Angelina.

Holy shit!

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