
Danger zone
Danger zone
Author: AG Demiey

Chapter 1

My fingers move fast on the keyboard. I have to get this paper work done with before it clocks 7pm.

I can't help but smile as I think of Collins. He's been acting off but suprisingly, yesterday he brought up the topic of a date by 7pm today. Not just that, he also bought me an outfit to wear later tonight.

I know he is off and on sometimes but I think he's just stressed out because of his parent issues and he's also been trying to get a new job. I try to make him feel ok and comfortable with the fact that I have a job but he doesn't. Unfortunately, that only seems to worsen the situation. We end up arguing and he will be away from home for days. When he finally comes back, he's in a good mood and then out of the blue, gets angry. He seems to have the talent of making something out of nothing.

I look away from my laptop as my phone bips. I look at my phone and pick it up when I see Clara's message pop up at the screen.

'looks like he's in a good mood again.'

I smile and reply to her text. 'It's the usual.'

'So a date night, uh? I bet your cheeks are hot.'

'Stop with the teasing, Clara. I have to finish my work soon.'

'Yeah, yeah. Talk to you later, then.'


'Don't forget to keep me updated.'

I chuckle and place my phone back on the desk. I look at my laptop and the printed work beside it. Just fifteen more minutes and I'll be done with this.

I'll send it as a document to my boss's secretary and head home to get dressed. After a long time, Collins wants us to go out on a date, I don't want to disappoint and I want to make it on time.

I finish the paper work and send it to the secretary. I gather up my stuffs and bid my colleagues goodbye. I quickly walk out of the building to fetch a cab. I checked the time on my wrist watch. I still got forty five minutes to dress up.

Soon, I was in front of my house building. I pay the driver and run into the house. I strip off my clothes for a quick shower and then walk back out to get dressed. I wore light makeup and made big curls on my hair. I pull the short red handless gown Collins got me, from the hanger and threw it on. I put on a tie up heel and walk to the full length mirror. My phone bips.

'Look beautiful. I'm waiting for you outside.' I smile and off my phone to keep it in my purse.

I walk back to the mirror to take a proper look at myself. Fully satisfied with my look, I made my way outside.

A blush creeps to my face as my eyes meet his. I check out his outfit as I walk to him. He looks simple on his pencil blue Jean and black shirt, but I was attracted.

I can't help but blush harder as he also checks me out. God, I'm loving this night.

"You look beautiful as always." He compliments. "The dress suits you." He finishes.

I look down and brush a strand of my hair behind my ears. I and collins have been dating for nine months now, I don't know why I'm acting like a teenage girl who just got a compliment for the first time from her crush.

I just feel good and loved by him after sometime.

He opens the passenger door for me to get in. I smile and sit, placing my purse on my lap.

"So where are we going?" I ask as he starts the engine.

"Your favourite restuarant."

"But you don't like it there."

"To think of it the food there is nice and most importantly, it's your favourite, soo."

I smile. "I've got no problem. Can't wait though. I'm famished." He chuckles and drives faster.

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