
48. Really


“Ahh!” Sierra couldn’t help the moans from escaping my lips.

“Feels good, huh?” Colton flashed her his mega-watt smile.

“You’re a miracle worker!” she said as she tilted her head back.

“You’re overworking your muscles. You need to take it easy,” he said as continued massaging her feet.

Oh, you thought it was something else?

Sierra was too excited to ice skate with Colton earlier. He booked the whole place just for the two of them, so she wanted to make good use of it. She was doing laps and running around here and there, and she even did some tricks. She landed a few of them, but on the last one, she landed on her ankle and twisted it.

Needless to say, the ice skating date was cut short. Sierra’s ankle was fine after she rested for a while, but Colton didn’t want to take any chances. He forbade her from skating again for the rest of the night, and he even carried her all the way back to the motorcycle.

After a good hour of ice skating, Sierra and Colton were now back at
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