
behind the scenes

Dating My Ex-Boyfriend’s Daddy


Chapter 88: behind the scenes


Amanda scoffed. “Why? Because you are? Don’t act so high and mighty around us here, you are just here on scholarship don’t forget that. A scholarship that can be taken from you at any instant.”

“Amanda that’s enough!.” A voice interrupted them as Heath turned to see who he had been staring at all the while.

Gemma Roswell.

He’s immediately attracted to her big and lustrous eyes with eyebrows like a perfect bow. Her hair looks soft and silky as it shines glassily under the incoming sun over head them.

Her nose is straight and of normal length. She has a round face which Heath immediately notes to himself will be soft and smooth to the touch. Her attractiveness is enhanced by her rosy cheeks and well shaped pink lips.

It’s at that moment Heath realizes that the perfect human he’s crushing on is talking to him as her perfectly shaped pearl like teeth comes into view.

“—are you even listening to me right now?.” She sa

just to confirm. Gemma is Javan’s daughter Heath is Tara’s younger brother and Tara is Addison’s best friend

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