
Dear You
Dear You
Author: saraheve


Zara's POV

Today is the day I have been waiting for the most because today I will graduate. I'm going to put on a toga, get a diploma, and get a job. Ahh, I can't wait for that.

"Zara, hurry downstairs. Time for breakfast." said Mom.

"Yes, Mom." I replied.

"Mom, where is Dad? Why Dad not come to breakfast with us?" I asked, reaching for the bread on the plate.

"Dad is on business. He'll probably be home in two hours." said Mom.

"Business? But yesterday Dad promised that he would take me to campus. I am graduating today, Mom. Don't tell Mom and Dad you forgot." I said sullenly.

"Mom and Dad haven't forgotten, honey. Graduation starts in 3 hours, right? There's still time." Mom chuckled.

"Oh, yes yes. Hehe." I replied.

We continued to have breakfast together.


"Mom, Pa, let's go. Graduation is almost starting. I am afraid to be late." I shouted while walking towards the yard.

"Zara, we've been in the yard since 5 minutes ago." said Dad.

"Ah? Why didn't you tell Zara, Dad?" I asked sullenly.

"You've been calling Dad but you didn't answer. Yes, Dad and Mom are waiting for you here." replied Dad..

"That's it, let's go. We'll be late." I said.

We got into the car and immediately went to my campus.

I can't wait to wear the toga, take pictures with Mom, Dad, and friends, get my diploma, and be able to work.


Zara's POV

"Zara, congratulations. Your grades are all good." Caitlyn said hugging me.

"You're welcome. Oh yeah, how about we take a selfie together? Yes, count with mementos. Who knows, we'll be busy and rarely see each other after this." I said.

"Come on. Who refuses to try." she said.

I also took my cellphone from my bag and took a selfie with Caitlyn.

"Cheese," say it at the same time as Caitlyn.

After finish to taking selfies, Caitlyn said goodbye to me as well as my parents.

"Mom, Dad, let's capture this moment." I said.

"Come on, come on. Mom's been waiting for you so I can take a selfie with you." Mom replied as she approached me towards me.

I heard it and chuckled softly.

"Mom, Dad,, say cheese." I said.

"Cheese." we all said.

Photo with my parents was successfully obtained.

I then put my phone in my bag.

"Zara, the graduates and the graduates will take pictures while throwing their toga together. Come on, let's join." Caitlyn said to me.

"Sure. Come on. Mom, Dad, thank you for everything. Finally, your daughter can graduate. I'll be back." I said to them.

"Happy taking pictures, honey." shouted Dad when I was away.


"Finally finished." I said.

After a long day of using make up, I can finally remove it from my face. Just so you know, I'm the typical girl who rarely wears make-up.

Clean your face and take a shower immediately. That's what I've been waiting for since I was on campus.

I immediately cleaned my face from makeup polish. After everything was done, I immediately went to the bathroom to clean my body which already felt sticky.

30 minutes later...

Fresh feeling immediately enveloped my whole body but my stomach was already barking and that meant something had to be given. I immediately went to the kitchen to get some food in the refrigerator.

"Zara, please bring this food to the front of the house, OK?" said Mom.

I frowned. The house in front is empty. But why did Mom tell me to bring this food there?

"Mom, but there's her house-"

"Now someone has taken a place. Boy, you know, still single, handsome, hot, rich, good too." Mom said cutting off my conversation.

"New neighbor, please? Since when? Zara has to bring this alone? Then how do you know if he has criteria like that?" I asked.

"From yesterday. Yes, Zara. Then who else?" chuckled Mama.

"But Ma, Zar-"

"You don't need to change clothes. Besides, the house is in front. Hurry up. After that, we'll eat." said Mama. Always cutting me off. But the topics always hit the spot. Great.

With very forced steps, I brought the food to my new neighbor in front of my house.

"Hm, very delicious. Just arrived and already got food." I grumbled while walking. Without realizing it, I hit a broad chest, who knows who it belongs to.

After I stick my head up, then I know whose broad chest it is. So this is the new neighbor? Handsome too.

No no, more handsome Justin Bieber.

"That's for me?" he asked.

"Oh you're the new neighbor?" I asked back without minding the question.

"Yes. I'm Bryan. You can call me Bry or Bryan." he said with a smile.

"Oh, I'm Zara. Just call Zara. Here's the food, Bry. Congratulations on being your new neighbor. I'll go home first. My assignments are piling up. And one more thing, calling calls doesn't have to be formal like that. Bye." I said while turning around.

"But, haven't you just graduated?" he asked. The question made me stop walking and turn around again.

"Yeah, I just graduated. But, how come you know about-"

"I know everything, Zara." he said.

He's just like Mom, likes to interrupt the conversation. But the topics always hit the spot. How could that be?

I didn't respond to his words and immediately turned around. Annoying neighbor. The first meeting was like that, moreover he was in front of my house.

Ahhhhh, it can go crazy for a long time if it's like that.


Zara's POV

"Zara, when are you going to apply for the job?" Dad asked.

"Maybe next month." I answered briefly while continuing to read a novel.

"Why are you even like that anyway. Dad saw that all of your friends were dressed in business attire. But you? Why don't you feel uncomfortable at all?" he asked.

"Then what should Zara do now?" I asked back while closing the novel I was reading.

"Yes, get a job. Besides, your grades are all good. What's wrong if you apply to be a secretary at Clivton International? Papa heard that they need a secretary there. You try applying there." said Dad as he walked away.

Secretary? Seriously? My dream since childhood was to be a writer. Yes, even though I graduated with a cumlaude degree in law, you don't have to be a secretary, do you?

However, if I were to become a writer, then my job would be just to write various stories and then revise them all.


It was the same as writing a thesis like at that time. Very boring, plus very difficult.

No, no. I will not choose the profession of being a writer.

Lord, then what should I choose?


2 weeks later...

I spent an hour staring at my laptop screen. Since then I was confused, what should I do? No ideas to write in my brain. Dad's words 2 weeks earlier still ring in my mind. But come to think of it, why didn't I just try to apply to be a secretary at that company? I heard that the employees there are predominantly male. And, besides that there is a CEO who is still young. That's bound to be fun.

I reopened my laptop and immediately searched for biodata about Clivton International. It doesn't hurt to read a little about the company's background, right?

After getting a bio about Clivton International via the internet, I also read it carefully.

"Oh it turns out that the CEO there has just been replaced. OK, tomorrow I will try to apply to become a secretary at Clivton International." I thought.

Hopefully I will be accepted.

And, hopefully I also find a mate there.



Zara's POV

"Mom, Zara will go first. Please pray, I hope I will be accepted there." I said while kissing Mom's hand.

Yesterday, after finishing discussing with myself, I immediately told to Mom about Clivton International. Hearing everything, Mom immediately agreed.

"I'm sure Mom will pray for the best for you. Be careful on the road, don't drive the car too fast. Don't be nervous because the CEO is handsome." said Mom giggling.

"Zara won't be nervous, Mom. How cute is Justin Bieber?" I asked.

"Mom thinks the CEO is handsome, honey." replied Mom.

"It's up to you. Zara wants to leave now." I said. I immediately got into the car.

"Don't be cranky. Be careful, honey." said Mom.

"Anyway more handsome Justin Bieber." I shouted while driving the car. I saw Mom laughing.

The streets in the city of Jakarta are so crowded because today is Monday. So it's only natural like this.

I've been stuck in traffic like this for 30 minutes. The powder that I used has faded, the air feels very hot, even the air conditioner in my car can't compete with today's hot air. Oh, come on, I can't stand it.

Exactly at 9 am I arrived at Clivton International. The basement here is very clean, and there are lots of CCTV everywhere. It makes me a little uncomfortable to want to do something in the basement but besides that I'm happy, because the privacy here is amazing.

I immediately approached the receptionist to ask where the manager's room at Clivton International was. Because I have an interview with the manager of this office.

It didn't take long to stand in front of the reception desk, because an office manager was already standing beside me.

"Zara Natusha Putri? You sent the CV yesterday, right?" he asked.

"Yes, its me, sir. If I may ask, who are you?" I asked politely.

"I'm Benedict Alexander Rogers. I'm the manager here." he answered politely.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Benedict." I said.

"Just call me Alex. I'm still young. We might even be only a year apart." he said with a smile. Oh, he's so handsome, by the way.

"No, that's impolite. I'd better call Mr. Alex." I said.

Alex just smiled at all. Then he invited me for an interview in his room which is located on the 32nd floor. In the elevator I was a little amazed, because the elevator here is not like the usual elevator. Here there is a distinctive pattern, a blue color that refreshes the eyes when seen, and when you enter this elevator, you will not feel the shaking. In fact, because it's so smooth, I might be able to lie down for a while in here.

The elevator door opened, indicating that Alex and I were already on the 32nd floor of this skyscraper.

I can't stop being amazed by all the decorations here. The manager's room here is surprisingly spacious. There is a small refrigerator in the corner there. The bookshelves are neatly arranged, besides that there is a very soft sofa. Even the softness of this sofa exceeds the mattress in my room.

"Please sit down, Mrs. Zara. We will start the interview. Don't be so nervous." chuckled Alex.

Ah, looks like he knows that I'm nervous. But fortunately he did not know that I was also admiring his good looks. Sorry. I mean admiring the decoration and the facilities of the room.

"Sorry. I'm just like this." I said with a smile.

"No problem. Just relax. So what attracted you to Clivon International?" asked Alex politely. Even every word he said was very polite, but firm.

"Honestly, this is the first time I've set foot on Clivton International. I'm very amazed by all the facilities, friendly employees, and very satisfying privacy. Also, because I heard that this company is in need of a secretary. So, all that made me excited to come here." I replied.

"Interesting. Well, you were accepted as a secretary here. I see your grades are very satisfactory. Congratulations, you can start work tomorrow." said Alex while shaking my hand.

Hearing that I was very happy. It turned out that my fad to register to become a secretary at Clivtlon International was a success. Even more successful. so happy...

"Thank you, Mr. Alex. I am very happy to hear that." I said while lowering my hand.

"You're welcome. Let me take you to your room. So, starting tomorrow you can occupy it directly." Alex said as he stood towards the door of his room.

I also followed him from behind. I will get my own room? Seriously? Ohh, I can't stop being amazed by all of this. Very perfecto.

Alex showed me a room. It turned out that this room was just as perfect as the room, but the only difference was the color of the paint on the walls. My room is Tosca color. It's so mesmerizing.

"This is the room. I hope you like it." said Alex with a smile. Is he not tired to keep smiling every end of the conversation?

"Thank you Mr. Alex. I am very pleased and amazed by all of this. Thank you again." I said. I had to confess my amazement to him. I was mistaken.

He smiled while nodding his head. Alex turned towards the door of my room. When he was about to open the door of this room, I called him.

"Mr. Alex, will I immediately get an assignment tomorrow?" I asked.

"Oh yes, tomorrow you are required to attend a meeting with our CEO. All schedules have been stored in that laptop." said Alex while sitting back in front of me.

"Fine, thank you. But I heard that the CEO here is new. Is that right? If I may ask, what is the name of the new CEO of this company? Because yesterday there was no name of the new CEO on the blog I read." I said.

"You're right. The CEO here is new. He just moved from New York. His name is Mr. Sa-"

Alex's conversation was interrupted because he got a sudden call through a receptionist who entered my room.

"Excuse me first Mrs. Zara. We will continue this conversation tomorrow, at lunch time. Once again, congratulations." said Alex. He also left the secretary's room which had been taken over as my room.


At another place..

"Has the target been accepted at the company?" he asked.

"Sure. Plans are going very smoothly." replied one of his bodyguards.

"That's great. Carry on everyone." he said again and then left his bodyguards.

"Yes sir." answered one of the bodyguards.


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