
Descendant Of Moon Goddess
Descendant Of Moon Goddess
Penulis: Kemy


 A cold war, I would call it if I was asked anytime to give it a name. Sending cold shivers down the spine of the members of the Blue Moon pack and casting shadows all over the pack like the dreadful tune of the hades.

 The members of the Blue Moon pack were gradually overwhelmed by their much stronger enemies; the Dragon pack and the Blood Bond pack.

Until the Alpha of the pack cried out to the Moon Goddess and I was sent down into a werewolf body by the Moon Goddess to protect and assist him until his kingdom was without enemies.

 I am Andrea, the descendant of the Moon Goddess. I found my way into the pack through a chariot filled with food but I was still caught by a sensitive pack warrior.

"Get your hands off me you beast." I growled trying to break his strong grip but he held my hands so tightly that my skin cells could hardly breathe.

 He brought out a chain from his pocket and bound my hands tightly while I continued to struggle with him.

 "You are a spy and you will have a lot to explain to the Alpha when he eventually sees your stinky face," the pack warrior thundered back at me.

 "You don't know who I am. Because if you do, you will not hold me the way you are doing right now," I shot a deadly sneer at him, staring right into his eyes with no single trace of fear.

 He took me to their Alpha, the one that called down the moon goddess. I already knew his name and his face, Alpha Jax.

 "Alpha, we found another spy," the guard prostrated while I continued to stare at the Alpha directly into his eyes.

 I noticed that his face twisted with hate and anger as he walked closer to me.

 "Slap," a jaw-splitting slap fall on my left cheek making me spit out the blood that had gathered in my mouth.

 "You fool, don't you know how to bow before an Alpha when you see one," he thundered at me but I didn't give him any response, I only bowed my head slightly.

 I never expected to be assigned to such ruthless Alpha but I was sure that he was going to be trailed when I eventually announced who sent me.

 "Alpha..." I tried to say but he didn't give me enough breath to complete my statements.

 "Take her to the dungeon where she will await trial," he said to the guard.

 "Come with me fool," the guard dragged me along with him and I was thrown into a small dark dungeon.

 "So much for wanting to help," I gasped. "Such a rude and proud Alpha and he couldn't even fight his way himself. I was expecting someone more humble, rubbish."

 I waited in the dungeon without food or water and I eventually fell asleep there.

 "Splash," a cup of cold water sprinkled all over my body waking me up from my never-ending sleep.

 "Stand up fool, the court of pack elders awaits you," he said to me with so much hate and disgust in his voice.

 He took me back to the Alpha who sat on the pack throne, a courtroom with six elderly werewolves seated and a beautiful lady by his side. His mate Elsa.

 "Alpha," I said with a slight bow.

 "Just tell me you beast, who are you working for, the red moon pack or the blood bond pack," he half yelled at me.

 "I am Andrea, your savior and your protector,' I announced.

 Immediately I said this, a burst of dark mocking laughter escaped from his mouth.

 "Interesting," he said to me with no trace of emotion in his voice but I wasn't scared either.

 "I was the one sent to assist you in the war when you cried for help," I replied.

 Is face disappeared under a hate-driven frown immediately I spat out the word.

 "And you expect me to believe such crap? Do you think we are that stupid here to believe such nonsense!!" he yelled at me.

 "I know a spy when I see one and right now I can tell that you are one," he said to me.

 "But.." I tried to say but he cut short my statement even before I began.

 "You will be executed by the sword by this time tomorrow," he announced to everyone sitting there and nobody went to say even a word to him.

 "Such a monopoly governing," I gasped with disgust.

 "Take her back to the dungeon where she belongs," he orders the pack warrior.

 I was taken back to the dungeon where I thought about what was happening. 

 I could not be executed, never. Not when I had not even begun my mission.

 The next morning came and it was already time for my execution as he had noted.

 The guard came into that dungeon and dragged me out forcefully. For the first time in years, I could tell that I was really afraid but not to die but to leave my task unaccomplished.

 "Had the moon goddess sent me down to be executed?" I thought.

 We eventually got the Alpha and he spat angrily on my face with so much hate and disgust.

 "Next time, you will learn never to allow yourself to be sent as a spy to my pack," he said to me.

 I walked gradually to the execution stand and I discovered that I wasn't the only one going to be executed, there was a group of ladies too.

 The pack warriors placed the silver blades close to our hearts, awaiting the order of the Alpha.

 "Anything you wish to say to this Noble pack before you're dismissed?" He inquired, staring at us in anger.

 "I have something to say to Alpha," I said to him.

 "And what is that?" he inquired.

 "I am not a spy Alpha and I will prove it. The enemies of your pack are trying to poison everyone in the pack house today. The meal cooked this morning is poisoned," I informed him and I could see the twist on his face 

 "Are you sure about what you are saying?" He growled at him.

 "Yes Alpha," I said to him.

 "And if I eventually discover that you are lying to me, I will behead you myself," he announced to me, and together, we walked out of the place and got a chariot back to the pack house.

 When we got to the pack house, the cook brought out the food and it was fed to a were dog. Fortunately for me, the dog died and it was confirmed that I was telling the truth.

 The Alpha stared at me and then back at the dog. "How did you know about it? There is more to it," he muttered.

 "As I already said, I was sent by the moon goddess to assist you until your kingdom is strong enough," I replied.

 While I was still talking to him, I received a message from the moon goddess.

 "Your rival pack will launch an attack on you tomorrow with their full force and only if you listen to me, you will live," I told him.

 I watched him as a long sigh escaped from him. "I am giving you only the benefit of the doubt. If I find out that you aren't who you say you are, then that would be the end of your miserable life," he fired at me and turned to leave immediately.

 "We will reconvene tomorrow. Meanwhile, the guards will show you your place for now," he announced while he walked away from me.

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