
Alpha Ryder

Malia’s POV

As we ran down the hill, I could see the bravery wrapped around his cold face, by now we had gone far into the woods. I could still hear the voice of his comrades rallying further to the riverside.

“what if the rogues are not just the ones I saw ?” I said to myself quietly. My mind was running across a thousand realities, well at least I was not alone anymore so whatever happens he would probably help out, just like he is doing now.

“ Who could this be? Was this the way the moon wanted to console me in my peril?” I kept thinking. He was dressed in a black jacket with the name Ryder written on the back. Perhaps that might be his name. His blond hair was scattered already and messy.

Before long we got to the edge of the river, although it was a small river the current and waves were ferocious.

“Can you swim?” he asked.

That was the second time I heard his voice. Cold, sweet but deep to an extent.

“Yes, looking at the way things are going I think I can try,” I told him hearte
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