
Chapter six

Celeste’s point of view

I could not keep my eyes open and kept nodding off. I leaned my head up on the seatbelt. My mom was talking about what we should do for the rest of the day.

“Mom I’m not sure I have to pick up my last pay check and go get the last few things for boot camp.”

Kryptonite by three doors down was playing on the radio and I was just about to fall back asleep.

“ Oh my God Celeste!!! Brace yourself!!” My mother screamed.

I sat up just in time to watch as a this car came from the other side of the road and was out of control. They hit the guard rail and were right in our path. I watched as the driver’s face was in shock and he put his hands up to his face. I screamed as I used my arms to cover my face as we were about to hit the drivers side of the car……

I woke up from my nightmare sitting up gasping for air. I have this dream about 3 times a week. Reliving my car accident will never stop. I stay awake until I pass out at this point.

“Celeste are you okay?” Trevor had heard me as I woke up and was knocking on the door.

“Yeah I am. Sorry it was just a bad dream. Sorry if I woke you.” I said while trying to catch my breath.

“ Do you want to talk about it?” He asked as He sat on the end of the bed.

“No I’m okay I’ll just wait to fall back asleep or watch a movie or something.”

I did not want to talk about it I just wanted to forget about it and move on with my life.

“ Ok what are we watching?” Trevor said as he grabbed the remote.

We found that Breakfast club was on and started watching it. He laid on the other side of the bed and I was on my side facing him. He was laying next to me on top of the blankets he had on grey sweatpants and no shirt on. His body was ridiculous. Every part of him was toned and defined. It was hard not to stare. He made me nervous and excited and I constantly wanted to have him touch me. Steph was right I had been thinking about having sex with him. What was wrong with me?

“ So do you always bite your lip when you are thinking? Smirked Trevor.

I jumped as I had not realized I was still staring.

“ I uh ….sorry I zoned out and was thinking about …..”

I trialed off because yeah let me just admit to Trevor that I was thinking about him.

He turned on his side to face me.

“Thinking about what?” He said looking at me with his golden brown eyes. He took his hand to move some hair behind my ear his hand lingered on the back of my head. . I licked my lips and he pulled me closer and our lips crashed onto each other. The kiss was electric and my whole body reacted to him . I placed my hand on his muscular back to try and pull him closer to me to deepen our kiss. As I did this He pulled away. I let out a wimper as my body missed his touch. HE pulled away long enough to get the covers pulled back and climb under them. He kissed me again passionately. His hands were on the small of my back and moved to my waist slowing going up over my cami to lightly caress the front of my breast. A moan escaped my lips which made him move us to where I was on my back with him on top of me. He kissed down my jaw to my neck the feel of his lips and his tongue on my neck kissing me and licking me to my collar bone was making me want more. I was already getting wet which made me want to spread my legs open to be able to wrap my legs around his waist. As I did this his hands were now moving down to my waist to slide is hand under my cami and back up to breasts. He grabbed my breast and I pulled him closer to me with my legs. A huge gasp escaped my lips as I now felt how turned on he was. We both still were in our pajamas but I could feel how big he was and he was huge and Not just long but thick. His bulge was pushed up against my sex as he was grinding up against me. I could not beleive how much I wanted him, my body wanted him as I was getting wetter with every kiss and every touch. I felt a new sensation with each movement. Sensations that I never felt before that kept wanting me to go further. Each time he grinned his bulge against me it rubbed against my clit. I was building to a climax and I did not want it to end. I moaned against his lips he stopped and pulled away from our kiss. I was close and he just stopped and pulled himself up. I couldn’t help but whimper as I needed a release. we were both breathing hard and trying to catch our breath. 

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