
Chapter five

Trevor’s POV

Walking down the hall I could not believe James. Fuck what was he thinking. No wonder she was nervous around me if she thought I just wanted to screw her, which of course l do she is hot. I just want to get to know her first.

“Hey can I ask why you requested an adjoining room? “ she looked at me with those dark brown eyes and I wanted to grab her right then and pull her into one of the rooms.

“Just in case you needed something. I know your friend set this up all wrong but if you need something or want to get to know each other more I will leave my side of the door open.”

“Oh well that is thoughtful of you. Right now all I want is a hot shower.” She said and her face became flush. A picture of her naked in the shower came to mind and I had to retreat soon.

“Yeah that does sound like a good idea.” I winked as I opened the door to my room. She opened hers just as fast as she could and closed the door. I laughed on that one. She was still nervous which made flirting with her all the more fun.

I went right over and opened my side of the adjoining room and kicked my cowboy boots off. I took my clothes off and headed to the shower. She was right a shower was a good idea. I did not spend to much time in the shower as I wanted to go find food. I wrapped a towel around me and headed back toward the bed to get dressed when her side of the door opened at the same moment.

“Well did you change your mind so quickly?” I asked raising my eyebrow.

She stood frozen and eyed me up and down. She quickly turned around.

“I uh um was going to order room service and wanted to see if you wanted to order anything? Uh My treat. “

“ Food would be good let me get dressed real quick unless you want dessert first.”

“Why do guys act like that?”

She turned around I was at least in boxers and sliding my jeans on. I slowly walked toward her until she started moving backwards until she was up against the wall. Placing both my hands on either side of her so she could not move.

“ oh I am only acting like this with you because you blush every time I flirt with you.” Being this close to her I could see the want in her eyes. Her eyes lowered and she started to bite her lip. She was thinking of our kiss from earlier and so was I. I was also thinking of how much I wanted to pick her up and put her on the bed. To have her legs wrapped around me as I plunged my cock inside her giving us the pleasure and release we both desperately needed. I wanted to take my time with her but she was making it so hard to not go against everything her body and my body were telling me.

I placed my hand under her chin to have her look at me. As we made eye contact I was about to capture those sensual full lips and then there was a knock on the door.

“ I guess we will have to continue this later. “ I said then went back to my room and left the doors cracked open.

I could hear that it was Stephanie. I did not want to listen in but I wanted know more about Celeste.

“Celeste I’m so sorry please forgive me.” Stephanie was pleading.

“I Just don’t understand why you would think getting us a room to share would be a good idea. Why would I even consider that as an option with a guy I don’t know.”

“I just wanted you to meet and hang out with a nice guy for once. I mean let’s face it all the guys you have dated it is a race to get in your pants and from what James tells me Trevor is not one to push further then a girl wants to go.”

“he flirts non stop and is incredibly hot. Seriously it is insane how hot he is but as soon as he figures out that I am a virgin and oh yeah also damaged he is going to run for the hills. It will last about 2 weeks and then I’ll be sitting there a mess. “

She’s a virgin I said quietly. Holy shit! My mind is reeling ok she has not had sex but has she done anything else? Now I have to figure out how to push her buttons but to not go too far. What does she mean she is damaged?

“So when did you meet James?” Celeste wanted more details.

“Well it was a week before the accident. We were already planning on setting you and Trevor up but the accident put it on hold. Until I thought it was a good time. I just wanted you to have fun. You have been through so much.”

“Ok but can I have fun without you trying to give

my virginity away?”

“ ok deal but let’s be real You could see yourself giving it up to Trevor.”

Something happened because the next thing I heard from Stephanie was

“ oh my god you slut. Look at how red you are you have already thought about him taking you. Ok when it happens I want all the details.”

They talked for a while longer about James and God knows I did not want to hear how James was in bed. I went ahead and ordered a pizza from the hotel restaurant. When it arrived I knocked on our adjoining door.

Playing stupid

“Oh hey Stephanie good to see you. Celeste I know you said you were hungry earlier. I ordered a pizza and thought I would see if you wanted some. “

“Oh I should go James is probably waiting for me.” Steph ran out of the room.

We ate and talked about today and how James and Stephanie were stupid but meant well. Once we were done I said good night and went to my room to sleep or at least try to sleep. I was about to be asleep when I heard Celeste tossing and turning. I peaked in her room she was asleep but she looked like she was having a nightmare. I was about to walk in her room when she jumped up and was gasping for air.

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