
Chapter 4

Celeste’s pov

Stephanie likes to move quick. She is interested in James and she is just a horn ball. So we are getting a hotel in hopes they do to. So her and James can stay together and then Trevor and I can share a room.

“Great sharing a room with a guy I don’t know who is going to expect sex.”

“You can just tell him you don’t want to. He has not taken his eyes off you. He seems nice I am sure he would understand.” She said.

We headed back to the table and James seemed like he already knew he was getting some tonight and could not wait. I looked over to Trevor and he was laughing at something. This is going to be interesting.

“ So we are getting a hotel at the Hilton hotel close to here. Y’all should get one too so we can hang out longer. “ Stephanie winked at James.

“ yeah that is a great idea I’ll book ours if you book yours” James said with a shit eating grin on his face. Yep they planed this. We hung out at the park for a little while longer and then as it was getting dark we headed out to leave. James was already holding Stephanie’s hand as we head to the cars. She never shows as much pda as she is with a one night stand. “James is riding with me Celeste why don’t you ride with Trevor?“ Steph yelled back to me.

I am now realizing that James and Stephanie have met before today and they were trying to set Trevor and I up. We made it to Trevor’s truck. He had a silver ford. 150 with a 6 inch lift and mud tires. He walked to the passenger side and opened the door for me. I looked and he had no nurf bars so I could climb I. Easily.

“Maybe I could take a running leap and jump to get in?” I joked as I knew I was going to have to use the tire to get in.

“Maybe but it might be easier if I helped you.”

Before I could even say no I can get it he picked me up by the waist and was lifting me up into his truck.

His hands on my waist made my body ache especially between my thighs. Hold it together Celeste what is wrong with you I said in my head as he walked around to get in.

“You know those two have met before and they are setting us up.” I said looking at Trevor as he started the truck.

He looked at me and raised one eye brow.” You think. Surely James would have said something about her.”

“ I know Steph would try this. I would not be surprised if there were no more double beds and only single beds were left when we get there. “ I said smiling.

“ I’ll take that bet. What do you say $ 10 dollars to the winner . “ Trevor asked

on our way there we talked about where we were from and some small talk.”

Stephanie and James beat us there since she drove like a crazy person.

As we parked Trevor told me to wait until he came a round to help me.

He grabbed my waist again to help me down. As he set me down i was pressed up against him and I could feel myself starting to get wet.

With his arms around me and the way he smelled. I could not stop myself. I had my arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him toward me. I was going to let it be a light kiss and nothing more but as soon as our lips touched he had one arm wrapped around my waist and his other hand was on the back of my neck. He kissed me deep the feel of his tongue inside my mouth made a small moan escape. That only deepened his kiss. He quickly released me once we heard James telling us to hurry up. He looked at me with a mischievous look in his eye. He seemed unfazed while I was trying to catch my breath why was he affecting me this way.

“ Come on guys let’s go. “ Stephanie yelled this time.

We came into the hotel and Stephanie is smiling a devilish grin.

“Ok so we got two hotel rooms both king beds. so I guess we will have to share.” She giggled.

Trevor looked annoyed by this and I was trembling. Yeah I wanted him but on a first meeting. I don’t no if could tell him no as he was already having an affect on me since I met him. I watched as Trevor took the key from Stephanie and walked up to the counter. “Excuse me ma’am can we get an extra room that is adjoining to this one” he asked the front counter. You could tell he made women flustered as the girl behind the counter fumbled with the key that he handed her. She quickly found two rooms adjoining and handed him two keys.

Then he returned with a smile and handed me one of the keys.

“ so how long have you ya’ll been cooking this idea up?” Trevor asked

“ Ok James and I met a month ago just before …” she trailed off and looked at me.

“We met and hit it off and I told Steph about you and she told me about Celeste so we thought you would be a good fit. Sorry man it is a crap plan but we thought we would try and hook you up.” James said with an apologetic look on his face.

“ Setting up to date is one thing but just booking a room for us to share the first time we met is just plain stupid. That is not what I am into James and you know that.” Trevor replied.

“ That was my idea I was just trying to give Celeste the push she needed. Please don’t be mad at James.” Steph said loudly because at that point I was walking away to the elevators.

As I pushed the button to get in the elevator Trevor quickly closed the gap to meet me in the elevator. As we got in I was flushed and just wanted to crawl in a hole and never come out. Why did Steph think I needed a push to loose my virginity. Just because I am the running joke with our friend group does not give her the right to decide if I loose it and to who I loose it too.

“I did not expect James to do that. I’m sorry that they conspired that plan. I guess I owe you 10 bucks.” He said being sincere and trying to make a joke towards the end to lighten the mood.

“ Steph and James seemed a little too comfortable with each other through out the day. I knew something was up. Thank you for getting another room I appreciate it. “ I said not meeting his gaze.

“ No problem I don’t like one night stands. The fun is the foreplay of it all. “ he said just as the elevator opened to our floor. My mouth just dropped at that comment as I followed him down the hall.

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