
Chapter 3

Trevor’s POV

I saw her from a distance when we got to the park. James was quick to point out her friend and already had a plan to try and get their numbers. James wanted to help me move on from my last relationship that ended horribly. So James’ plan was to hang back and try and start up a conversation when they were waiting for food. Thankfully James and I have different taste in girls. The one he was interested in was hot but the other girl had me captivated. She was slender with brunette hair that had purple streaks. She had an amazing ass and legs that seemed to go on for days. I imagined what it would be like to have them wrapped around me while I had her under me. I quickly tried to think of something else. James and I talked while we walked. We rode some of the rides. We noticed the girls were going on the rapids ride. James was quick to suggest to go get on the ride.

“Dude no not riding a water ride and be soaked in jeans all day.”

“Ok fine but I am making my move after this ride.” He said.

I have known James for a while we went through boot camp together. He was quick to find a casual relationship. He did not want anything serious. He did always try to find a girl that had a friend so I did not cock block him as he would constantly say. So when he saw these two he was ready to make a connection.

He smacked me hard when he saw them exiting the ride. They were soaked. I was already imagining this girl under me and now she is right in front of me laughing taking her tank top off to wring it out. The sun hit her glistening tan body and I wanted to find a private place to take her too. She turned around and her beauty hit me like a ton of bricks. She was a perfect size I’m talking 36-24-36. She put her shirt pack on while walking past me there was no denying I needed to get to know her. She had a huge bruise on her neck. My blood boiled at the sight who ever did that is going to pay. I felt this urge to protect her. James was quick to get behind them for food. We listened for a while I waited for James to make his move but he was chickening out. I could not loose the opportunity to get her number so I inserted myself into their conversation. I heard them talking about getting a hotel and immediately added my two cents. James relaxed and moved to take his shot with her friend. Celeste was more beautiful than I could have imagined. Her sent drove me crazy and I could not take my eyes off her lips. Even with her shirt on you could see how ample her breasts were. I knew I made her nervous so I would be extra close to her mainly because her perfume was driving me wild. Stephanie walked up to her and she stepped back into me at one point. I thought I was done for. The feel of her up against me at that moment I was just trying to not get hard. She quickly turned and she blushed not just on her face but it traveled down her face to her breasts. She looked shocked as she realized what was in her back just a second ago. I was well endowed when it came to that area. I got her number and took her picture because who does not want a picture of a gorgeous girl soaking wet.

When we sat down I knew I made her nervous she would not stop tapping her leg. Why is she nervous ? I slowly moved my hand to place on her thigh to get her to stop. The electricity I felt when we touched I knew she felt too. I gave a half smile while we stared at each other and then Stephanie had to go to the bathroom. Of course she could not go alone. As soon as they got up I was starring at her amazing ass.

“Hey Trev they are pretty hot right. Do you think we will make it to their hotel rooms?”

“James I think it’s a little early for counting on sex. I make Celeste nervous so I’ll be taking it slow. “

“ yeah well if they get a hotel so are we because Stephanie is already grabbing me under the table. Looks like I may get lucky don’t worry I’ll tell you all about it.” James said with a wide smile.

I just kept thinking if that happens I would feel awful for Celeste if her friend decided to have a night of sex and put her in a room with a guy she may not want to have sex with.

The girls walked back and you could tell they were talking about possible sleeping arrangements and Stephanie wanted to spend the night with James.

Stephanie had a big smile on her face and Celeste looked like she was being led to a sacrifice. I could not blame her especially since she felt how big I was before being hard. Some girls acted like I just gave them the best present in the world and some looked like Celeste. It made me chuckle because she had no idea how I wanted her and to take my time with her. I am all about making sure the girl gets her pleasure and release first. That is even if she wants to do anything with me in the first place. By our small interactions it seemed like it but I don’t want to assume. I fully plan on taking my time with Celeste. I felt a connection with her and wanted to take my time exploring it.

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