
Chapter 2

We made it to the park and had already rode quite a few rides. I was already soaked since we had to ride all the water rides first so we could dry off before it got dark. My top became see through and was already snug on me so it definitely showed that I had a body. We got in line to get food and talking about what was our plan for the rest of the day.

“ Should we get a hotel so we don’t have to drive back tonight? I am going to be way too tired to drive home.” Steph was asking.

“Yeah that is a way better idea and probably safer .” A voice from behind me said.

I turned to see who was now inserting themselves into our conversation.

There were two of them one about 6 foot and the other just a little shorter. Both board shouldered and. Ridiculously handsome. My mouth about fell open. The taller one has brown hair and brown eyes with gold flecks in them. He was wearing a T-shirt that definitely showed that he was muscular and worked out and blue jeans. His voice was deep and I felt butterflies in my stomach when he spoke.

His friend was a similar build with blonde hair and blue eyes. Wearing a Hawaiian shirt and shorts

“ Thanks for the input and the concern.” I said to the taller one.

“ You’re welcome just trying to do my part in keeping you safe.” He said. he took a moment to eye me up and down as I am still soaked and I know you can still see through my top.

All of a sudden his friend moved past me to stand next to Stephanie which put me even closer to the tall built lumber jack as he smelled of mahogany cologne.

“Well I’m James and this is Trevor. “ lumber jacks friend said as he was now starring at Stephanie.

“So how far do you live from here if you are wanting a hotel?” James asked being nosy.

“Well not far about an hour but Celeste does not like driving or being in a car at night.” Steph said trailing off as I looked at her with my shut up look because these guys don’t need to know my business.

“ hmmm Why don’t you like driving at night? “ Trevor was asking.

“Well um I was in a pretty bad accident not to long ago and I’m just not wanting to drive at night right now.” I said while my face was turning bright red of embarrassment.

“Well that seems like a good reason and you should definitely get a hotel room while you’re still working through everything. “ he said taking a step closer to me.

I could not believe how he towered over me being only 5’4” I had to stretch to look up at him and I could feel his warmth with how close he was to me. My hearth skipped a beat and felt a yearning to get closer to him.

He leaned down close to my ear and whispered “lines moving” it took everything I had to break his gaze to move. He knew the effect he was having on me.

I could hear James asking Steph for something when I turned around.

“Oh come on you should give me your number. Norfolk is not that far from where you live.”

In true Stephanie fashion she was playing hard to get. Before I could stop myself I just blurted out I’ll give you her number.

James turned to me and was a little shocked.

“ you would do that to your friend?” James asked

“ yeah why not. She has done it to me before. You know giving someone your number is kind of fun.” I laughed at her. I looked at James and he was ready to put her number in his phone. He called it just to make sure it was the right number.

I was giggling as Steph flipped me off in a joking way and went to step backwards when I backed right into Trevor. I was pressed up against him long enough to so I could feel how built he was. I turned quickly to face him. I was bright red as I also had felt his cock in my back. While he was not hard at that moment I could feel that his cock matched the rest of him and was huge.

He just looked at me with his golden brown eyes and a smirk that made me feel really hot all of a sudden.

“So I think after that incident you owe me your number. I mean you did just assault me.” Trevor said with still having that smirk on his face.

Stephanie was quick to return the favor and was already giving him my number. While he had his phone out he took a picture of me. Steph and James were back in there conversation and not paying attention to us.

“Wait why did you take my picture?”

“To put it with your number.”

He showed me as he called my number and as soon as I took my phone out of my pocket he took it and took a picture of himself and saved it with his contact. Trevor was smooth and confident in how he acted. He was not cocky which he should have been with how he looked but he was just genuine and charismatic. We got lunch which Trevor and James insisted on paying for. James sat next to Stephanie and so that meant I was sitting next to Trevor. We had to sit close to each other. Trevor made me nervous and I was bouncing my leg which because of how close we were sitting he could feel the movement. He put his hand under the table and placed his hand on my thigh to get me to settle down. If anyone else would have done that I would have smacked them. I just looked at him and he smiled with his eyes all twinkling.

“Celeste hey I have to go to the bathroom come with me real quick?”

I broke Trevor and my trance to go with her.

“ Hey fellas we will be right back don’t go anywhere.” Steph mentioned as she was leading me to the bathroom.

“We will be right here” James called out to us.

We got in the bathroom and Stephanie could not hold back.

“ Girl he likes you! He can’t keep his eyes off you. Oh and how he got your number and also your picture that was smooth. It looks like he wants to devour you at any moment. “ she winked at me.

“Steph he is huge.”

“ I know he works out and is really fine. Just hope other parts of him match his build that would be disappointing.”

“ Steph it matches.” I barely said as she had moved on to talking about how hot James was and how she could not wait to be alone with him.

She quickly turned around.

“ Wait how do you know.”

“ remember when I backed into him on accident. I felt him in my back.”

She giggled. “ you won’t be able to walk when he gets a hold of you.”

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