
Destined for you; The billionaire's false wife.
Destined for you; The billionaire's false wife.
Author: Raye

chapter 1


My steps faltered as I entered the dimly lit, spacious living room, Lily by my side. I felt pitying eyes follow me, their hushed whispers drifting through the silence like wisps of smoke. 

“So they just got married last week?”

“Yes, I hear she's a low-life country girl and her mother had run away when she was very young,”

“Poor thing,”

Seeking refuge, I sank into a corner of the room, but even there, the murmurs followed.

“Is she Chloe?” I heard a red-haired girl ask an older woman, whom I assumed was her mother. The girl had tattoos drawn across her arms and piercings on both sides of her nose and chin.


“Yes, she’s the one.” The woman responded weakly, her eyes red and heavy. I could bet she had been crying since she got the news.

“Ah, I'm disappointed. I thought Jeffrey had great taste in women,” she scoffed, her eyes resting on my boots, before looking up at my loose-fitted black dress and heavy eyes.

“Where's Robert?” The woman asked no one in particular. 

The girl gave the woman a slightly puzzled look before replying, “He already told you that he had something to attend to. Didn't he?”

"I wonder what's so important that he'd miss his brother's funeral,” the woman continued with a heavy voice.

“I'm sure it's nothing important. He probably got into some sort of trouble somewhere.” She sighed, “You know, typical Robert.”

“And what about Laura? Have you heard from her?" the woman asked, rolling her eyes.

“No,” she said simply.

“I'm Helen, Jeffrey's mom," the woman turned to me. 

Finally, someone acknowledges that I'm not a ghost.

“And you're late.” She snapped.

“I'm sorry, ma’am, I.. I just got..,”

“Save it," her tone laced with irritation, before her eyes met a man emerging from a doorway I presumed was the restroom. "Oh, there you are, Richard," she called, walking over to him. He looked shattered; it seemed Jeffrey held immense significance for him as well.

“I’m not surprised Jeffrey hid you from us, his family. I'd do the same too if I were him.” The red-haired girl said, peering at my palms clutched tightly to the hem of my black dress.

My eyes stung with more tears, and I lifted my palm to wipe my tears. My eyes were already sore from crying all day. 

“Or you're probably one of those girls that try to tie a man down with pregnan..” 

“Rachel,” her mother called out, gesturing for her to come to the other room where Jeffrey's empty corpse and picture were kept. He had died in a car accident, and his body had burned to ash.

“I know you’re not used to a house like this, but don't wander around the house lest we have another funeral to plan.” She gave me a stern look before rushing over to meet Helen.

“It's a surprise that people can actually be like this,” Lily said bitterly, “no empathy whatsoever. You should go in there and pay your last respects to Jeff” She said and wiped my cheeks.

“I have orders to take you to your room, Mrs. Blake." Mary, the housekeeper, interrupted.

“I guess it'll be better to be away from all this,” Lily whispered softly, holding my hand in hers. 

I placed one foot in front of the other on the polished marble, down the vast hallway. My fingertips trailed the white walls adorned with vibrant landscapes and portraits. 

I paused in front of an open door. 

My eyes caught the portrait of a man with god-like features, before my mind was boggled by the holographic displays whispering news reports and robots gliding silently past. Jeffrey owned all this? Awe warred with disbelief within me.

“This way, Mrs. Blakes,” Mary said, shutting the open door and pacing slightly ahead, a nervous flutter in her steps.

“It’ll be fine,” Lily squeezed my hand as we walked down the echoing hallway. Her squeeze spoke volumes; no words were needed. She could feel my unspoken fears.

“When?” tears streamed down my cheeks, “do you believe Jeffrey owns even a quarter of this? It seems I married a stranger.” 

I mean, Jeffrey had a decent job, sure, but his apartment was more "cozy" than "spacious," and noodles were a frequent guest at his table. He wasn't exactly poor, but neither was he living the life.

“Now I'd never even get an explanation for all these, I'd never get the chance to scream all my questions at him. Why? Why all these deceit?”

More tears streamed down my cheeks as I sobbed loudly.

Lily wrapped her hands around the back of my neck and pulled me in for a tight embrace, suppressing my crying. I could hear her sobbing too. “It'll be fine, Chloe.”

“This is your room, Mrs. Blakes,” Mary said, standing in front of a door. 

I trudged into the bedroom, Lily shuffling along behind me. Mary flicked on the lights, revealing a king-sized bed swathed in white sheets that dominated the center of the room. A walk-in closet, a glass table, a couch, and a mini-fridge stood at the opposite end.

"Thank you," Lily said to Mary, who still stood by the open doorway after we'd settled onto the bed. "You can leave now.”

"Actually," Mary corrected, remaining at the door, "I was waiting to show you to your own room.”

The bed could accommodate five people comfortably, a stark contrast to the cramped bunk bed Lily and I normally shared back home.

“It's alright,” Lily said. “I'll stay here with my sister.”

“No, Lily,” I said, gently placing my hands on her shoulders. "Please go with Mary. I need some time alone tonight," my voice tinged with sadness.

“I'll be here if you need me,” she said with heavy eyes as she made her way out of my room. “And don't forget to call Dad,” she said and I gave a nod before she shut my room door.

I sat under the scalding water, letting it mix with the tears streaming down my face. 

I had just stepped out of the bathroom, the steam from my shower still swirling around me when a large hand clamped over my mouth, silencing my startled gasp. 

My breath hitched, my heart pounding against my ribs as goosebumps erupted across my skin. I strained against the tight grip, desperate to break free.

“Don't scream; it's me,” the familiar voice behind me whispered, his palms still on my mouth. He loosened his grip slowly, allowing me to turn around to face him.

Comments (11)
goodnovel comment avatar
Faith smith
I just started, but I love this book already 🥹
goodnovel comment avatar
Diana Abi
This is a good read🥹...️
goodnovel comment avatar
giving this piece a 10/10 no fvcking cap....... the cliffhanger after every chapter got me glued to this book

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