
Diary Of A Teenage Witch
Diary Of A Teenage Witch
Author: Aicha K

A date

"Try again." My mom motivates me as I try to make the water in my half-filled glass grow.

"It's not working mom." I say to her with a defeated sigh.

"You just have to keep trying. Focus and steady your breathing. Feel the water, be the water, clear your mind, decide you want it to grow and it will obey you." She explains.

I try to clear all roaming thoughts and instead fill my mind with thoughts of water, I think of ocean waves, and tsunamis, and pouring rain, I steady my breathing and imagine the glass overflowing with water.

I open my eyes and gaze at the glass and a pool of water erupts from it.

Suddenly, water is everywhere. I'm in a trance which I can't seem to stop. The water is pooling out of the glass aggressively, in abundant amounts and now the entire kitchen is almost filled with water.

But I don't want to stop. I don't feel like I need to stop. It's almost like my powers have a mind of their own now and they're fighting to break free, but I don't want to control them.

I want them to completely take over me, I want them to break free and destroy everything in their path.

I don't even know where all this water is coming from. It's hard to believe I'm able to make so much water grow from a half-filled glass. I love the sense of power I feel right now. I feel invincible.

"Layla, Layla you have to stop now!!" My mom is saying something but I'm not paying attention to her. Only to the magic. I only want to see, feel, hear the magic.

Her hands are on my shoulders now, she grabs me and shakes me back into reality. I snap out of it and suddenly all the water is gone, disappeared like it was never here. But the mess I just made in the kitchen is still very much visible.

"Layla..." My mom stares at me in disbelief.

I suddenly open my eyes and realize I was dreaming of a memory, an event that happened ten years ago. When I was seven years old, I almost flooded our house.

That's when my mom realized I had a little bit of dark magic in me. She realized my powers were too strong for me to control. She said if I wasn't careful, the powers will start having a consciousness of their own and they will try to control me, instead of me controlling them.

That's when she decided to take half of my powers and hide them in a box she keeps hidden somewhere in her room. No one except my mom and I know what happened that day.

She decided telling the rest of our coven will only make them panic and see me as an abomination, and when it was time for me to be head of the coven, they would retaliate. Not that I mind anyways, I've never wanted to be head of the coven.

I don't want that kind of responsibility. Ever since what happened that day, ten years ago in our kitchen. I've always held back when it came to using my powers, with the fear that I might hurt my mom or my boyfriend or anyone I cared about.

It's noon. How long have I been sleeping for?

Realization flashes in my eyes and I remember I have a date with my boyfriend Kali today.

I quickly get out of bed and make my way to bathroom to get rid of the bad breath I have. I brush my teeth and take a shower.

When I'm done, I look in the mirror. I love mirrors because they always remind me of how pretty I am.

I didn't wash my hair because I don't want to waste anytime drying it.. I don't want to be late for my date.

It's now and I throw on some sweat pants and a huge tshirt and make my way downstairs.

My date with Kali isn't until 4p.m so I guess I still have time.

I go downstairs and meet my mom reading a newspaper.

"Hi mom."

"Look who's finally up."

I kiss her on the cheek and grab some orange juice from the fridge.

"Mom, why did you let me sleep for so long?"

"Layla, you're on holidays. You don't have to be up early everyday. Plus it's the weekend. Weekends are for sleeping in." She says.

"I have a date with Kali today remember?" I ask her with a raise of my brows.

Her eyes gleam with excitement.

Kali is a warlock and his family is a member of our coven.

My mom has always loved the fact that I'm dating a witch and not a human, or a mortal as she prefers to call them.

"Where's the young warlock taking you today?" She asks with curiosity in her eyes.

"Our favourite spot. For a picnic. We're going to practice some spells together there for the assignment we got." I say to her.

"I still don't know where your "favourite spot" is." My mom says with a raise of her brows.

"That's for me and Kali to know mom." I say with a light smile tilting my head.

"Right. Just make sure no one sees you two casting spells. Or you'll get burnt at the stake." She warns

"Don't be paranoid mom. No one ever goes there anyways. We'll be the only souls in the premises. " I say to her.

She nods and continues with her newspaper. I wonder what she always reads on that paper.

I head back to my room and start preparing for my date. I take out my grimoire and shove it in my bag.

I really don't feel like changing out of these sweatpants.

They're comfortable. I decide to stay in them and I just pull my hair up and tie it in a messy bun.

I start preparing mentally for the spell Kali and I will be practicing today.

It was an assignment given to all the young witches and warlocks by the elders of our witch coven.

The Mending Spell.

It's a spell to fix broken things and it sounds easier than it is to actually perform.

Mending spells require an absolute clear mind and precision.

If not, it will go terribly wrong and cause more damage than good.

I hear a honk outside, I look out my window and see Kali getting out of the car, making his way to our front porch.

I grab my stuff and rush out of my room. I reach downstairs and see that my mom already opened the door for him.

"Let's go?" I say to him.

"You two take care." My mom says to both of us and we make our way out.

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