
Chapter 57

Her cheeks turned rosy and she avoided to meet his eyes.

"Here." He passed the basket of roses to her.

"Thank you." She said as she took it, suddenly feeling awkward and a bit embarrassed.

"Not at all." He said. "I bought it only to make the girl happy."

Even though it was so, but she felt like she was caught in a beautiful dream. Strolling down the street with him in a fine afternoon, and he bought her a bunch of roses. Unbelievable. They said nothing as they sauntered along the way, in a companionable silence when words were no longer necessary, as if their minds talked to each other in a train of hidden thoughts.

It was a beautiful dream indeed, so beautiful it was almost painful when it had to end. The sight of the seaside street where their inn located came into view. The dream receded into reality, and she ceased to step. She didn't want to wake up but it was time.

"We have to part company here. It would not be seemly nor wise for us to be seen together."

She felt a twinge of bitterness as she said it. Now they were back in their places, the nobility and the indecent all over again.

"After you."

He stopped walking to let her walk ahead of him.

She left him and walked into the inn. Even without looking back at him, she knew in every step that he was watching her. There was no conscious reasoning, there was no proof or evidence, but she had an unexplained feelings that there was something between them. A trace of feelings, a spark, she sensed it everytime they met, from the slightest brush of skins to each stolen glance, the tension was invisible yet almost palpable. Even in their quiet walk, when they didn't touch or look at each other. As she made her way upstairs, her mind was occupied with disturbing thoughts. If she followed this dangerous attraction, in the end it would only leave her with nothing but agony. Or it could be worse than a painful heartbreak. Much worse. He made her wanted to do what she shouldn't do.

The sudden realization alarmed her in one startling moment, made her took a halting step at the door to the lady's room at the inn. She closed her eyes with her hand on the door handle. She had to stop it before she made a mistake she couldn't fix. A fatal mistake that lead to a path she always tried to escape.

Flocks of guests arrived at the inn before nightfall. Magnolia Inn was the best accommodation in the area and Lord Waldorf's invitees flooded the place every year at the same time, in the end of autumn.

"Gosh, I forgot my handkerchief!" Lady Byrne suddenly said when Ava escorted her to the large dining room. It was dinner time and the guests started to pour into the room.

"Can you fetch it for me, darling?"

"Of course, my lady. I'll be right back."

As soon as Ava rounded a corner and disappeared, Lady Byrne rushed to an elegant couple sitting at the best table in the room.

"My lord, my lady. How delightful to see you."

Lady Byrne greeted the couple as she performed an elegant curtsy.

"Countess Byrne, nice to meet you here." Lady Cecily replied politely while Lord Carlton nodded at the older woman. A moment later, both ladies talked about the weather and their journey.

"I haven't seen His Grace and His Lordship. Surely they're coming as well?" The lady mentioned Magnus casually, and of course she had to mention his cousin as well not to raise any suspicion.

"His Grace is coming with Lady Selene Wyndham and her parents, Lord Wyndham and Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte, they will be joining us here at any moment."

Lady Cecily paused for a while.

"My son has to go to London to settle some important business matters regarding our investment in the railways. It's kind of ... urgent."

Lord Carlton snorted beside her.

"Oh, dear!" Lady Byrne blurted. "That's too bad."

"Pardon?" Lady Cecily frowned at Lady Byrne unexpected response.

"Oh I mean... that's too bad His Lordship couldn't attend Lord Waldorf's house party. He would miss all the amusement there."

"Indeed." After a moment's silence, Lady Cecily replied. Lady Byrne made a polite excuse and left the couple. Ava joined her some time later at their dining table.

"Oh, dear." The lady looked at her with pitiful gaze.

"My lady? What's wrong?" Ava glanced worrily at her.

"Nothing..." the lady looked away from her, pretending to scrutinize the pattern of the tablemat.

"Good Lord! Carlton!" Lady Cecily hissed as she squeezed her husband's hand.

"Look who's sitting next to Countess Byrne!"

Lord Carlton followed his wife's gaze.

"Who's the girl? Her relatives?"

"It's the peahen Magnus was crazy about not so long ago!"

"How could she be here? Little chance she was invited to Waldorf's party, isn't it?"

"I don't know!" Lady Cecily frowned in disdain.

"I guess she is coming with Countess Byrne. Looks like she is doing a job as the lady's companion. Such an ambitious girl. She certainly knows how to make her way up to a higher ground. To be a companion allows her to be seen by nobles and gentry..... We should be grateful Magnus ran away."

"It won't change the fact that his allowance will be sliced in two until an indefinite time."

Lord Carlton replied indifferently. Strongly disapproved of the idea, Lady Cecily threw a schorching glare at him.

Ava was observing Lady Byrne's sudden change of mood when something alarmed her. She turned to the doorway as if something called her from the direction. He appeared there and her heart sped up at the sight of him. In split second she noticed Lady Selene was with him, holding his arm as they swept through the doorway. The couple drew admiring glances as they crossed the room.

"Beautiful couple, aren't they? They're perfect."

Lady Byrne sighed in admiration.

"I've never seen a couple so perfectly fit for each other."

For some reasons, she couldn't bring herself to reply. She pretended to take a goblet of water and sipped slowly. A sudden thought crossed her mind.

If the duke and his family were here, it meant... Magnus was here as well. She checked across the room quickly. Her heart began to pound at the anticipation of seeing him in the most unexpected time. Both Magnus' parents and Lady Selene's were at the table, but Magnus wasn't there. After a thorough observation for some time, she found out that there was no sign of his presence.

She wondered when she would be able to see him again. It had been months since their last meeting. In the first few days of their separation, she half feared, half expected him to come to see her anyway. She spent many times thinking of the right answer if he ever came to her and asked her to be back. She imagined him telling her that he missed her, that he realized that he couldn't live without her, and that he would elope with her. But it never happened until now. Did he miss her as much as she missed him? Although she never promised to wait for him, she still believed someday he would come back to her.

There were times she was really tempted to walk to the captain's house to see him, but she was too afraid to do it. She feared that the duke would carry out his threat if she dared to ignore his order.

And quite suddenly and unexpectedly things changed in a matter of days. In turn and twist of fate, now the duke and she were on friendly terms. And in the midst of cold and arid loneliness, she had somewhat infatuated with him.

From a distance, Ava stole a glance at the duke. He was sitting beside Lady Selene, and Ava saw him serving the lady first, putting some food in her plate. The lady said something to him, most likely in a low voice because he leaned closer and lowered his head to her, then murmured his reply in her ear. Ava imagined him whispering answer to his fiancée in a sweet voice, and felt a stinging prick inside her.

Did he always speak softly to his lady? Did he always say nice and kind words to her? But he admitted that he didn't know much about his fiancée. She averted her eyes from the couple. Why did she feel this way? She shouldn't be bothered by their intimate gesture, as much as she shouldn't be pleased that he wasn't that close to his fiancée.

An hour later, most of the women started to leave the dining room while the servants were serving wine to the men. Ashton was staring idly at the burgundy liquid in the crystal glass when Lord Kent, one of a few noble fellow that was quite close to him, came over and gave him a friendly pat. The young lord sat on the empty chair next to him and lifted his glass.

"Cheers to your good health and happiness, Vermont."

Lord Kent shifted his gaze following Selene who was walking out of the dining room with her maid.

"I would give anything to take your place. You have everything most men could only dream of. Superior title, a considerable amount of wealth, great power and a goddess of a bride. I can't imagine if there is more you could possibly want."

Unfortunately there was more. There was things he wanted more than what he already had. If he could, he would give up anything he had to get it all. As he watched the raven-haired beauty across the room, he couldn't help thinking if only things were different. If only he were born as his cousin.


Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Rose Mutisya
I cant get enough of this story! I love it.

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