
Enjoy now

Ditch the Ex, Date the Billionaire


Chapter 2: Enjoy now


“You look so miserable”. Someone say hatefully into my ear just before I manage to sit down at my desk.

I fought back a shiver at my coworker's gross invasion of personal space.

Zoe is in her late 30s but it’s so ridiculously cringey that she seems to find joy in making my miserable life… a lot more miserable.

I arched an eyebrow at her. “What are you talking about?”.

“I heard the CEO’s grandson broke up with you.” She revealed with a glint in her eyes. “You do know that you’re only here because you are dating the CEO’s grand son, hm?. So which means illiterate Isabella will soon be kicked out of here like the unwanted trash you are.” She says clapping at her ridiculous statement.

If I had the energy, i would remark on how childish Zoe was acting right now but I can barely go into a argument with my emotional stability in shambles.

I hate the fact that the unit I was working made the coworkers have a shared cubicle. If not, I wouldn’t have to face scrutinizing gaze when I walked in this morning.

News have spread about the company on how Alan and I had broken up.

It’s been a week since the relationship ended but it still feels like yesterday since the gossiping people in this company won’t let me move on.

And the fact that Alan’s office is just three floors above from mine isn’t helping either. I dread the day I’ll be forced to deliver something there.

One of the disadvantages of dating your boss and breaking up with him.

I couldn’t just stop coming to work like I did at home.

As if avoiding going back to my father’s house so I wouldn’t get tainted by Chantelle and her mother wasn’t enough; it looks like avoiding coming to work would be the next thing to do since my failed relationship with Alan has become the subject of topic in the company.

My life is just so miserable.

So, I just sigh as I sit on my desk chair and fiddle with the mouse, pointedly ignoring the loud gossips from the others around me, instead focusing on the throbbing ache in my heart.

It sucks.

Honestly sucks that I had managed to graduate at an early age and then move into the career of my dreams where I managed to clinch a position in the one of the biggest companies but people are only contributing my success to Joshua because he is my boyfriend.

Ex-Boyfriend, I mean.

I worked hard to get here. I paid off my student loans by myself, I put myself though college. All my dad did was hand over his surname to me. And all of this because I refused to be his perfect daughter.

After turning on my computer and logging in, I’m actually surprised to find jobs in my inbox that relate to my job position.

A file dropped harshly on my table and I looked up to see Zoe leaning over the wedge separating us.

“Take that to 5th floor. It needs signatures for us to proceed.”

I was tempted to roll my eyes at her tone but I stopped myself.

I can do that.

Maybe I won’t run into Alan on the way there, just maybe hopefully...




I got to the elevator on my floor and pressed the button. It opened and I was about to enter when I paused seeing Chantelle inside.

What is she doing here?

She noticed me and gave a smile shifting to make room for me.

I wouldn’t call that a smile anyway from how menacing it looked.

Breathing steadily, I entered and the doors closed behind me.

“Hello sister.” Chantelle started. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen you. You haven’t been home.”

“Well pardon me but if I saw my own sister having sex with my boyfriend, i would be too traumatized to see her.”

“Hah!.” Chantelle let out a low laugh. “We’ll get ready to be live in trauma for the rest of your life then.”

I furrowed my eyebrows at her statement turning to look at her. “What do you mean by that?.”

The elevator dinged informing us that we had gotten to the 5th floor and Chantelle shrugged not answering me as she walked out.

“Bye, little sister.”

I frowned walking out of the elevator too.

I finally understood where she was heading to.

Alan’s office.

I just want to focus on my job and try and find a different one before next month so I won’t have to deal with breathing the same air as a certain Alan Bancroft.

I take a deep breath before walking up to a reception desk.

“Can I help you?” The old man at the desk asks.

He seems to be in his sixties, looking at me expectantly, like I’m about to cause trouble.

“I’m here for collect signatures for some forms.” I say, a polite smile plastered to my face.

The man lowers his glasses down the bridge of his nose so he can stare into my face. At the lack of reply, I retrieve my company ID and hold it out. “I’m an employee? Isabella Monet .. .”

The receptionist furrows his brows but nods at the ID before typing, albeit extremely slowly, on his keyboard.

After several silent minutes he nods his head towards the doors which are automatically opening.

“3rd room on the left.. The Managing Director Office.” The man says passively ignoring my reply of a nod.

After walking through the double doors, I’m met with a long corridor with four doors on either side.

I recognize Alan’s office and take a deep breath before knocking then a familiar, “Come in” beckons me in.

Ok! You can do this! Isabella! Just go in and act nonchalant. Like you haven’t been broken up with.

I wasn’t ready to be met with the sight of my half-sister and my ex boyfriend kissing each other.

Of course! The universe hates me so much I should have expected this.

I cleared my throat and the both of them separated.

“Hi, Isabella.” Chantelle says with so much loathing in her voice as she stared at me with contempt. “I didn’t expect to newt you here.”

Lying liar.

I walked further into the room. “Oh so it’s him you came to meet?.” I try to say nonchalantly.

“What am I doing here?.” Chantelle scoffed at my question rolling her eyes at me. “My boyfriend asked me to come here, of course.”


Since when did Alan turn to her boyfriend in a space of one week?

Alan certainly moved on...

Thinking of that made me wish I didn’t just leave his house crying. I should have broken something on both he and Chantelle’s head before leaving them.

“I don’t ... .” I shook my head avoiding eye contact with her. “I don’t care about that. Alan, I came here for signatures for some consent forms.. .”

“You address him appropriately!.” She snapped at me immediately. “Is that how you talk to your higher-ups?.”

I clenched and unclenched my fists as I forced myself to show a polite smile.

I cleared my throat looking down at my feet. “I’m here for the signatures of the consent forms.” I say speaking lowly not trusting myself to suddenly burst into tears because of Alan.

He nodded turning his almond shaped brown eyes away from me as he walked towards his desk pulling out different drawers before finally bringing out a stack of papers bending down to sign profusely before coming over to hand it to me.

I walked forward and took the papers from Alan’s outstretched hand, completely avoiding touching any part of his fingers as I nod politely.

He nodded awkwardly bringing his hands back to his side too.

“Thanks for signing it.” I say turning around to immediately head down to my department when Chantelle’s voice stopped me.

“Dear sister, are you busy tomorrow??.”

Tomorrow was a Saturday. What is she getting at?

I furrowed my eyebrows looking back at Chantelle wondering why she would ask that. “No, why?.”

“Oh I just wanted you to help me plan a dinner meeting with my new in laws.” Chantelle says shrugging.

It was as if my head was suddenly plunged into an ocean and I couldn’t pull myself out of it as I stared at her and at Alan too.

Alan immediately glared at her.

“What?.” Chantelle shrugged with a quirky half-smile on her lips. “I just wanted to tell my sister some good news!.”

Alan frowned at her raising his fingers to point directly in her view. “Don’t!!. Don’t do that shit ever again!.” He said and turned to me with this guiltiness swirling in the pool of his eyes. “Isabella. I__.”

But I wasn’t about to fall for another apology.

“Enjoy having Alan, Chantelle!.” I said focusing on keeping my breathing slow and steady.




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