
Ditch the Ex and Date The Billionaire
Ditch the Ex and Date The Billionaire
Author: K.B

Break Up

Ditch the Ex and Date the Billionaire


Chapter 1: Break Up



Balancing the bento cake on my hand and the strings of red birthday balloons carefully, I walked quietly to the main entrance.

I smiled to myself knowing that my boyfriend would never expect what was going to happen.

It’s his birthday and I planned on surprising him after I got back from work.

I bent the door handle trying to pushed it open but stopped realizing it was stuck.

Alan wasn’t around?

Tucking a strand of my curly dark brown hair behind my ear, I pulled out the spare key Alan had given to me at the beginning of our relationship and opened the villa's door.

The lights in the sitting room were turned off as I looked around confused.

Alan never leaves his lights turned off. He always complained of having a phobia of the darkness.

I could see cereal boxes and popcorn tubs scattered around the floor, my brows creased while I fixed my gaze on the television which was on.

What the ...?

I understand that he took a day off to celebrate his birthday but what was going on here ?

“Alan?.” I called out softly but there was no response.

I walked away from the TV reaching out to the wall to turn on the light switch and when the place brightened up, I suddenly wished I hadn’t turned the lights on.

On the long couch were scattered clothes but what had me standing wide-shocked was the almost torn bra that was clearly on the glass table.

I couldn’t bring myself to think anything as I looked around to see more evidence; Alan’s trousers on the foot of the staircase.

My brain stopped functioning when I came across the all too familiar red gown on the floor.

No, no, no, no....

This couldn’t be...

I immediately dropped the cake with the balloons and went up the stairs faster than I could as I speed walked to the bedroom. The bedroom that my boyfriend and I shared...

As I approached the door I knew so well, I heard moans, followed by a strange voice that seemed feminine.

As I got closer to his room, my heart felt like it might burst. I couldn't stop thinking about all sorts of things that could happen. I tried not to decide too quickly, but the thoughts kept coming back.

Pushing open the door, the sound of two people grinding and moaning against each other under the sheets in the dark room was what greeted me.

Struggling to hold back tears, I lifted my trembling hand to switch on the lights, and my face went pale as all the color drained away.

I wished my eyes were blind, I wish my brain was showing me this scene just to fool me.

“Baby?.” I whispered with trembling lips as my legs almost failed me.

I didn’t want to look weak in front of my cheating boyfriend.

But he didn’t notice me, too immersed in the girl he was cheating on me with.

Alan was cheating on me!

My mouth still gasped open as my mind worked to put piece and piece together before I finally came back to my heartbreaking and sad reality.

Standing in the doorway and with all the anger in my chest threatening to burst out that moment, I slammed the bedroom door shut as I screamed at him. “Alan Bancroft! You disgusting human being!!.!"

My voice brought their intimate act to an abrupt halt as Alan’s messy black haired head peeked out of the sheets that once covered him and he became noticeably tensed as his shoulders went stiff on seeing me.

“B-Bella?.” His jaw dropped as it was obvious he was caught off guard on seeing me. “W-What are you doing here ... ? I mean, you had work__... you were ___...”

“Supposed to stay back? I know.” I completed his sentence for him with tears prickling at the corner of my eyes. “I felt bad for not being with you on your birthday and just wanted to surprise you. But it looks like I was the one who was in for a surprise instead.” I say lowly gesturing towards the scene in front of me that was bound to taunt me for the rest of my life.

“Isabella ... .”

“Who’s the blonde?.” I manage to ask despite my voice quivering a little bit.

I could see the blonde hair peeking out from the sheets but that was it. It was obvious she was trying to hide her face from me.

He didn’t respond as he exited the sheets immediately picking up the remainder of his clothes, which were lying on the ground as he tried to put them on hastily.

“Alan, who’s the blonde?.” I ask again, this time not bothering to wipe the tears that were rolling down my eyes.

The woman revealed herself as a familiar face sat up on the bed pulling the quilt around her body to cover up.

I feel my throat tightening, knowing tears are about to come. It's like trying to swallow a beating heart. I scoff, wiping tears away with my hand. There's no way I'm going to cry in front of her.

I squint my eyes shut for a while before opening them. “Why am I not surprised?.” I asked curling my lips at my half sister.


The devil in my life.

“Of course! You would be the one to have sex with my boyfriend..” I said blinking back the tears. “For the past 20 years of my life, you have never, Chantelle!!.” I sniffed as a tear rolled down my eyes reminding me of everything I had gone through in being her half sister.

“You have never let me have something all to myself for once! Do you hate me that much?.” I whispered the question still heartbroken.

My heart throbbed against my chest as I wondered how much hatred could Chantelle have in her heart for me to be able to terrorize me this way.

To be able to make me hate my life like this without feeling any contrition.

Chantelle pushed back her blonde hair, resting on the headboard of the bed; her hazel eyes which was the only thing we had in common was piercing into my soul as she crossed her arms not seeming to care about what I had to say to her.

She didn’t show any remorse holding her chin up, sticking it out proudly.

I glanced between the two of them and realized that this must have been going on for a while.

I turned back to the my now ex boyfriend and asked the question I dreaded the most. “How long has this been going on?.”

Alan had finished putting on his clothes as he came towards me trying to, nervously, explain, "Baby, Isabella, you are misunderstanding this. It is not what..."

“Do not touch me!! Answer my question!!.” I retorted back at him more loudly this time, allowing my pent up anger to take over at the moment as my usually pale face reddened.

I was irate, my heart heaving against my chest as I still tried to process the scene before me. I wanted to speak but words failed me and it seemed like the only thing working right now were my eyes.

I was still fighting the urge to ball my eyes out.

“Isabella come on .. .”

But before Alan could finish his sentence, I had raised my hand and slapped him across his face.

He paused stunned as Chantelle tensed from where she was not expecting me to respond like that.

“Don’t call my name with so much love if you are only just a liar.” I clenched my fists giving him a tight lipped smile. “You know what? This is all my fault! I blame myself for trusting you!”.

“Isabella.... “

“Stop it !.” I raised my hand stopping him as I bit my lip forcing down the lump in my throat. “D-Don’t you ever tell me this is a mistake because I know very well it isn’t!.”

With a shaky voice, I faced Chantelle. “You want him, right? You always want everything that I have, huh?.”

I ignored the ache in my heart as I repeated my next words to her.

“You can have him, Chantelle.” I sighed, pausing to wipe my snotty nose on my sleeve. “I wish you the very best in your new relationship!.”

Alan tried to reach out to me again but I recoiled from his hold narrowing my eyes at him.

“As for you and I? Whatever we have, it’s over.”

With those words, I turned around and left, holding back my tears that were already spilling down my cheeks.

My heart desperately aches despairing at this deep insult and hurt.

I walked down the stairs ignoring Alan’s calls as I picked up the cake and the balloons that was laying down the floor of the sitting room.

I can’t believe I used my hard earned money to buy a cake for a cheating bastard.

“Isabella! Wait! Come on ..” Alan’s voice sounded like it was filled with anguish.

I turned to face him as I used the key to deflate the balloons in my hands.

He stared at the balloons falling to the floor before looking back at me. “Isabella, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to do this.”

“Cheat, Alan, that’s the word, cheat. You cheated on me with my sister.” I said throwing his spare key at his chest.

“There! Give that to her as she’s your new spare..”

Alan didn’t pay attention to it as he moved closer towards me. “Baby! Please, let’s talk this out!.”

“There is nothing to talk about.” I managed to respond walking towards the exit.

“Where are you going? We live together, you have nowhere to go. Where are you going to stay? I’m the only person you have.” He then continued talking. “Or do you want to go back to your parent’s house? At a place where you are not wanted?.”

“Damn you!.” I shook my head not believing he brought that up.

I can’t believe I was in a relationship with this prick just few minutes ago.

With hurt in my heart, I turned around throwing the bento cake at him.

“Happy fucking birthday, Alan! Fuck you!.” I mumbled, wiping my nose as I exited the villa, tears cascading down my face in uncontrollable blobs.




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