
6. The Mysterious “Crystal”

The man's expression was masked by surprise for a few seconds, then he laughed. “What took you so long to visit my company?”

Haley loosened up. Her lips pulled into a happy smile and she ran over and hugged him. “I'm finally here, Brother. How's life treating you?”

“Fantastic!” He stood up and lifted her in the air, his laughter resounding in the office walls. “It was boring all day long before you appeared. What a huge surprise!”

Seeing the happiness in her brother's eyes as he welcomed her warmly, Haley's guilt expanded. 

She pursed her lips and sighed as he put her down.

“Why the gloomy look? Lemme guess, you miss your husband already just after arriving here.” Her brother pinched her cheek, taunting her. 

Then his brows pulled together in a displeased frown. “You've lost a lot of flesh. What's with the skinny look? Are you on a diet?”

Haley shook her head. 

It was true that she'd lost a tremendous amount of weight in the past few years. Ever since she married Liam, Haley couldn't help but notice that. 

The years of house chores had greatly worn her out. 

“Big Bro…” she tugged at his jacket sleeve, acting spoiled. “The truth is… I'm divorcing Liam-”

“What!?” Her brother didn't let her finish speaking. 

Looking flabbergasted, Andrew Woods sank into his chair. “You're pulling my legs. That is the most ridiculous joke ever! Don't you love that guy like your whole life depends on it?”

It hurt to be reminded of how stupid she'd been. 

“You even went against us, your family, to marry him, remember?” He reminded her. “So stop cooking up lies. As your Big Bro, I won't punish you for running off to marry him in secret.”

Blinking her eyes, Haley fought to hold back her tears. She sat beside him on the chair's armrest and narrated everything to him. 

“So you see, it's not worth living in a loveless marriage…”

Haley was afraid she would run mad someday because of that heartless man. She was even happy she survived the torture of those three years.

After hearing her story, her brother sighed. “Three years ago, you left us to marry William. I thought you could live happily with him. I didn't think he'd dare bully you.”

Haley had been so blinded by love that she refused to listen to any word her family said. 

She ended up getting disowned by her own parents.

“How about forgetting that asshole and coming home with me today? Mom and Dad miss you,” her brother suggested.

Haley would jump at the opportunity, but… "I'll definitely go back, but not now. As soon as Liam signs the divorce papers, I'll move back home.”

She couldn't meet her parents at the moment.

What was she gonna tell them? 

How was she gonna apologize? 

Would they be able to forgive her? 

Her Brother was kind and understanding enough, but sometimes Haley couldn't understand her parents who had a bad temper.

Crossing them was one of her biggest mistakes.

"In the meantime, how about taking me in as a designer in this company?" Haley asked. "I'm using my first name anyway, people won't know you're my brother." 

Andrew's eyes shone with happiness. “You want to work here? As long as you are willing, the whole company can be given to you." 

“Haha! That's too much to ask, Bro.” Haley laughed.

“Look at you being picky.” He ruffled up her hair. “If it's the DG Group you want, I'll hand it all over. You're my only Sis anyway.”

But Haley denied. “I just want to work as a designer.”

Disappointed, Andrew nodded. "I don’t understand. Why don't you let me announce you to a higher position in the company?"

That would be too much. 

Knowing her brother well, he'd insist on giving her the best. So Haley changed the topic. "Actually, I've been working with this company for a long time."

Her brother looked pale immediately. “Wait, what do you mean?”

“Do you like last month's newest necklace "Treasure"?” Haley asked. 

Her brother was speechless. ”So you are “Crystal”? The most mysterious jewelry designer?”

Haley smiled and nodded.

Andrew looked thoughtful. "I wondered why Crystal is willing to work with our company, it's you!!!”

Haley flushed in embarrassment. "I just want to start as a new designer in this company, so I don't need to let anyone else know who I am.”

“Why though?” The frown returned to Andrew's face. “You're an exceptional designer! Everyone's dying to meet “Crystal” and I can't wait to boast about you!”

The more he spoke, the more embarrassed Haley felt. “Come on, Bro… let's keep this our little secret.”

She added, “I'm confident that I can prove myself, and I don't want to attract Liam's attention.”

Under the alias “Crystal” Haley had designed countless jewelry and sold them out at huge prices. 

She wanted to feel confident about her love for Liam, so she worked hard to afford the gifts a powerful man like him would appreciate. 

But instead of appreciating those gifts, Liam left them to rot. 

The only sensible thing he'd ever done was hand over the sports car she'd bought as his birthday gift to charity.

“You've suffered all these years…” Andrew patted her hair gently. “I'll help you get revenge and teach that heartless man a lesson.”

Haley shook her head and whispered, "No need, it's not worth wasting energy on unimportant people.”

“Have you really let go?” Andrew asked worriedly. 

Haley nodded. “The future is bright. I'll never look back.”

“You've matured a lot.” Her brother stared at her proudly. “Since you've said so, I'll let him off. Just promise me you'll always be happy.”

Haley hugged him again. “I promise.”

Three years of hardship was enough for her to mature. She would never be stupid again. 

Haley's phone rang, disrupting the silence.

Seeing Liam's name blinking on the screen, her eyes dimmed. 

 “Have you made enough of a scene? Now come back home!”

The first words he said when she answered the phone. 

Haley almost laughed out loud, but his words weren't funny.

For three years, she'd gotten used to his authoritative voice always ordering her around, but now it sounded foreign in her ears. 

“William Nash, I told you to just sign the divorce papers. Leave me alone,” she replied, her low voice calm. 

Haley had been so used to him yelling at her but not anymore.

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