
5. Comes From A Poor Background

Turning around, Haley came face to face with Leah. 

Her good mood plummeted instantly, replaced by irritation and disgust when Leah all but flashed her a sweet smile, rubbing her flat tummy. 

“Do I need to tell you where I'm going?” Haley replied. “You're just a mistress.”

Leah's eyes dimmed, and her smile faded into a deep scowl. “I might be a mistress now, but not anytime soon.”

Her tone filled with arrogance, she eyed Haley from head to toe. “As you can see, I'm here to pick out mine and Will's wedding rings.”

“Ow?” Haley put on a surprised look, feigning happiness. “Finally, someone to pack off my garbage. Congrats, and please talk to Liam and let him sign the divorce papers soon. Or you will still be the mistress.” 

Her tone light and full of mockery, Haley was surprised at her own calmness as she stood in front of the woman who literally seduced her husband.

Forget it. Liam was no better. 

Leah's expression switched from white to green, her fingernails digging into her palms. She breathed heavily. “I know you're jealous because you can never give Willy even a single child. Doesn't he hate you?”

Leah went on caressing that spot in her abdomen, giving Haley a taunting look. “Forget it, I won’t waste my time with you, after all, I'm pregnant now, it's not good for the baby to be angry.”

Disgusted, Haley felt like vomiting. Just how morally twisted Leah was to flaunt an affair in public?

They'd only met a few times in the past. 

Haley once visited Liam's office to deliver his launch in order to pave the way for their closeness. While the man chased her out, Leah was there and had a triumphant smile on her face. 

Haley disregarded it. To not irritate Liam further, she avoided getting into a fight with any of his employees. 

But one day, Liam brought her home for dinner with the excuse that they were just back from a business gala.

It had been evident in Leah's eyes that she wanted to covet her husband but Haley didn't mind because she trusted Liam. 

Very funny!

The two deserved each other.

Deeming standing there a waste of her time, she turned to walk into the elevator when Leah screamed at her.

“Stop right there!” Leah trotted forward on her high heels, blocking Haley's path. “Did you buy jewelry here using Will's card, poor bitch? You're such a greedy woman, you're getting divorced and you still spend his money.”

Haley pushed her out of the way. “Tsk, a cheating man deserves a dumb woman. Who said I came here to buy jewelry? I came here for an interview, duh!”

Waving her portfolio at her, Haley snickered. 

She didn't waste time to watch the dumbfounded look on Leah's face, and she entered the elevator which took her to the fifth floor.

There… A stream of other applicants was waiting for the final round of interviews.

Haley found an empty spot and sat on one of the waiting chairs. She glanced at her wristwatch nervously, tapping her feet on the floor. 

With this many applicants waiting in line, it would take a miracle for her to get the final interview. 

“Gosh! I'm so nervous!” A female sitting beside her shuddered. 

“I heard the chairman of the design department is so strict!” Another female whispered.

“He's not only the chairman, but also the CEO of the DG Group,” said the guy sitting by her right. 

“Awwwn, Andrew Woods. I heard he is handsome and charismatic. Lavishes money on his women mercilessly!” Said the girl sitting close to Haley. “I've pulled many stunts to get to this final interview! I have to get this job!” 

She added with resolve which made Haley chuckle a bit. 

“You're quite ambitious, Amby. Rumor has it that he's married. Can you afford that?” 

“So what? As long as he's willing-”

Haley shook her head. It turned out not all applicants were here for the job. 

Her gesture caught the girl's attention. She eyed Haley, a look of displeasure evident in her eyes. “You're not also here to covet Andrew Woods, are you?”

“Believe me, I'll pass.” Haley chuckled. 

“Is she crazy?” 

“I bet Andrew Woods will glance at her twice because she's pretty. Isn't he only into pretty women?”

“I think she's just arrogant. Let's see if she even gets the job.”

The females whispered among themselves, making Haley the center of attention. 

The guy sitting by her right sighed. “It's hard to believe that you're not interested in the god of money, Andrew Woods.” He lowered his voice. “You just earned my respect, Young Lady.”

“You never know what's inside someone's mind,” said the girl called Amby. “Don't believe her so easily, she might have a trick up her sleeves just like we all do.”

“Another thought. She's giving up early because she knows she'll never stand a chance!” The second female rolled her eyes.

“Yeah. From the looks of it, she comes from a poor background.” Laughed the third female.

Their words fell on deaf ears because, at that moment, the secretary came out and called Haley's name. 

“Mr. Woods requests to see a lady called Haley. Is she here?”

Haley raised her hand and stood up. 

“Please follow me, Young Lady.” The secretary smiled warmly, leading the way. 

As Haley followed her into the office, the whispers behind her increased, their voices filled with disbelief and suspicion. 

Haley stepped into the office. 

Sitting across the wide mahogany desk was the strong man. 

The air around the office seemed to thicken, his intimidating presence capable of snatching anyone's breath away.

Not Haley's breath, though. Her heartbeat was intact. 

The man didn't didn't look up, his eyes fixed on the computer screen in front of him, concealing his face.

Haley could only imagine, her heart sinking in gloom as she fiddled with her fingers, a slight guilt tugging at her heart. 

“Please introduce yourself,” he murmured deeply, his tone lacking patience. 

Sighing, Haley cleared her throat, her voice crisp and nervous. “I'm Haley, here to interview for the designer position.”

Instantly, the man lifted his head as if compelled by a rapid force, and Haley saw his handsome face. 

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