
4. Bad Luck


At IvoryRains Apartment Building, located downtown.

Haley settled in her new apartment, the small and cozy interior a stark contrast to the luxury and glam of Liam's Villa.  

Yet, in this mini apartment, she felt somehow at peace with herself. Her mind, once clouded with thoughts of Liam alone, was now clearing up. 

Every minute of her life had been filled with thinking about him, brainstorming different ways to make the man happy. 

Even though she loved Liam, it was worthless to live in a marriage with three people in it.

Haley could stomach anything the man threw at her, but not a betrayal as big as having an affair and impregnating another woman.

Lost in her thoughts, the sound of her phone's ringtone snapped her back to the present. 

Haley picked up the phone from the small table stand, staring at the contact display name. 

She'd developed this habit of shuddering in fear whenever her mother-in-law called, and now she found herself repeating the same thing. 

‘Habits die hard, don't they?’

Bracing up herself, Haley pressed the answer button, knowing too well not to put the phone any way close to her ears, lest she risked losing her eardrums.

“What's keeping you from coming, you stupid insignificant girl!” Vera Nash seemed to be in a very bad mood, as her voice blared like a trumpet through the phone. “Why don't you come and help me clean today! Did you forget it's Monday!?”

Haley pursed her lips. 

Indeed, she used to go to Liam's mother's place every Monday to do house chores for her every week, under the woman's stern command. 

Haley replied, “I won't go there today.”

“Eh? Not coming!?” Vera shouted, disbelief ebbing her tone. “Do you know who's speaking, Haley? How dare you talk to me like that when you're a barren woman? You should be happy I even let you stay with my son!”

And so began her train of insults. Vera never missed any opportunity to tell Haley how useless she was without a child in the Nash family. 

Haley digested the insult, always keeping a perfect attitude in order not to anger her mother-in-law. 

But right now, she felt abused, the woman's insult angering her so much that her body was shaking. “Vera Nash, soon there will be someone to help your son have a baby.”

Haley cut the call, something she'd never done before. But it felt so satisfying to hang up on the spiteful woman. 

She couldn't live like this anymore. Years of hard work didn't get her recognized by Liam's parents. 

Even if Haley hanged herself someday in the name of her love for the man, she doubted if Liam and his parents would even bat an eye.

Why should she live her life for others when she could be herself?

With that in mind, Haley unpacked her belongings. 

She spent half of the day cleaning the apartment, decorating it to her liking, and hanging her clothes on the rack. 

As the evening approached, Haley left the apartment building, heading to DG Jewelry Corp., her favorite jewelry company.

They had recently opened up vacancies for physical applicants. 

With her portfolio in handy, Haley spent more than an hour in the HR Department, undergoing the initial interviews and some physical tests. 

“Although we're open for applications, this company is top-notch among Its competitors. Don't think you can get in so easily, Young Lady,” Seemingly amazed by Haley's confidence, the manager warned. 

Haley only smiled, her rapt attention fixed on the pieces of gemstones scattered on the desk in front of her. 

Carefully, she picked each one with a holder, crafting an intricate design on the plain golden necklace.

It was only a demo that lasted for thirty minutes, yet, the outcome had all the employees gathering around, their widened eyes gleaming with awe and astonishment. 

“Oh my Gosh! I can't breathe.”

“It's perfect! How did she even do that in such a short time?”

“She must have years of experience to be able to pull it off so effortlessly without a single mistake.”

“Who's she? Can we see her portfolio?”

However, the manager in whose hands was her portfolio looked a bit pale, his hands shaking. 

His voice cracked as he spoke, his gaze darting from Haley to her portfolio. “So it's you…”

Haley raised an inquisitive brow, smiling. “I beg your pardon.”

“Scratch that! You've been approved, Young Lady. Go ahead and meet the CEO while I forward him your documents!”

The Manager's action surprised other employees. Haley wasn't a bit astonished but relieved that the man was quick-witted enough to grasp the situation and hid her secret.

The first floor was the fine jewelry customization area and the fifth floor was the designer's office.

She lingered by to admire the pieces of jewelry each encased inside a glass stand. 

Wowed by the glittering objects and inspired by many designs, she lost track of time admiring the jewelry. 

Some of the jewelry looked very familiar, and for the first time, Haley was happy, seeing the jewelry on display.

For a few minutes, she forgot the chaos and the heartache caused by Liam's betrayal. 

Knowing it was near closing time, Haley proceeded to the fifth floor. 

She was about to take the elevator when she heard the most annoying voice. 

"Haley, what are you doing here? It's such bad luck."

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