
3. Run Back And Apologize

The Next Morning. 

As Liam ate breakfast in the dining room, the atmosphere was stale and somehow still as if something was amiss. 

He glanced at the empty chair across from him now and then, his thoughts wiring back to last night.

Where was that crazy woman?

Was she still inside the bedroom shedding crocodile tears?

Spending the whole night in the study room was enough to teach her a lesson. 

At least, she'd lost the chance of him touching her this month. She would never bring up that ridiculous topic again.

Yet, halfway through eating, Liam's indifference turned into a small frown that formed on his face, his eyes darting upstairs. 

Did she think that starving herself would make him give in and grant her wish?

How silly.

Liam summoned the maid. “Why isn't Mrs. Nash coming down? Go and get her.”

But the maid lingered, her fearful gaze avoiding his eyes.

With a hesitant look on her face, she extended a gift box to him. “Actually… M-Mr, Nash. Mrs. Nash left the house an hour ago. She left this box for you.”

Liam's frown deepened. 

What was that woman up to?

He took the box impatiently, and his eyes caught the tag on it. 

“3rd Anniversary Gift” 

“How childish.” The corner of his lips twitched mockingly, a subtle smile forming. 

Liam tore the wraps around the box, wondering if this was the present she insisted on giving him last night. 

Once he revealed the content of the box, however, he narrowed his eyes at the white document with the word “Divorce Agreement!” boldly written at the top.

Liam smashed his fist on the table and shot to his feet. 

He snatched the papers.


Was she serious last night?

His nerves rippling with rage, he flipped through the papers, his eyes widening more seeing her signatures on each section. 

[Reason for Divorce: Disharmony in sex!]

His anger hit the ceiling when he saw that. The words sounded more like he didn't satisfy her enough in bed. 

How dare she mock him in such a demeaning manner?

She was becoming bold, huh? 


Liam grabbed his phone, clutching it. His breathing ragged, he dialed her number. 

“Where the hell are you!!!”

“Just sign the divorce, William Nash.” Her calm voice was devoid of the desperation from last night. “Then you're free to have kids with any woman you want.”

She hung up instantly, leaving him in a daze.

For several minutes, Liam stood in the same spot, staring at the papers, not believing his eyes. 

Was she really serious?

Then a thought came to his mind and he snickered.

After trying all possible means, she resorted to this silly trick to get his attention. 

That crazy woman never ran out of ideas. 

Well, an hour was enough for her to return to her senses.

She'd soon beg him and claim it was a joke. 

With that in mind, Liam got ready and left for his company.

In the afternoon, he found himself thinking about her tantrum, unable to finish any work. 

So he took his phone and called the house's telephone, knowing she'd answer it.

But instead of Haley, the maid answered the phone. “Mr. Nash, is there something you need?”

“Where's Haley?” Liam gritted out. 

“Uhm, Mr. Nash… Mrs. Nash hasn't come back,” the maid answered with a sigh. 

Liam cut the call brutally! 

Haley! What was she still doing outside? Did she go to his Grandmother to complain about him?

When evening approached, Liam dialed the house's telephone again, ready to lash at her. 

Yet, it was the maid who answered the phone again. “Mr. Nash, Mrs. Nash didn't return.” She sounded worried. “She has never left the house for this long.”

Liam cut the call.

He tugged at his necktie and began pacing in his office, his emotion a mix of anger and disbelief. 

Haley was going too far. 

She'd better end this prank before he extended her punishment.

While he was walking back and forth, his assistant, Joye, came in with some documents. “Mr. Nash, these are from the HR-”

“Check the money on Haley's card. Is there any change from yesterday?” Liam interrupted him, his voice sounding desperate. 

Damnit! Was he desperate?

He just wanted to find more reasons to punish that woman in case she spent his money recklessly.

“Right away, Mr. Nash!” 

Joye returned later, the look of horror on his face making Liam wonder if someone died on his way back. 

“Mr. Nash- Mr. Nash, you won't believe this!” Joye barged into the office. 

Liam was impatient. “What is it!? And where's the task I gave you?”

Joye opened his mouth wide, looking as if he'd seen a ghost. “It turns out Mrs. Nash has never touched a single penny on her card! Isn't that strange?”

That was impossible. 

It was hard to believe. 

If Haley had never spent a single penny on his card, where did she get all the money she used to buy meaningless gifts for him?

Those expensive wristwatches, the cufflinks made of gold, the expensive neckties and designer shoes… and also the expensive perfumes she'd stacked inside his closet, not to mention the limited edition sports car she got him as a birthday gift two months ago!

Weren't they all bought with his money? 

Did she swindle them from his Grandmother?

After all, she'd always pretended to be nice to his clueless Grandmother in order to get close to him. 

“Erm, Mr. Nash…” Joye said, snapping him from his thoughts. His assistant scratched his head nervously, giving him a worried look. “You look pale and you're sweating… is everything alright?”

Liam threw him a glare. “It's nothing.”

“Uhm, but, Mr. Nash, if you feel sick, I can call the Madam as always,” Joye suggested. “By the way, isn't she an amazing woman? All women out there would lavish your money, but she-”

“Go away.” Liam chased the noisy guy out.

For the first time, he was a bit flustered. But as he sat on his chair, he whispered to himself, “Well, she's a nobody without me. She'll soon run back and apologize.”

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