
2. Get A Divorce

She loved him and wanted to have his baby. 

Was it a crime to ask? 

A marriage was supposed to be a union of mutual consent where the couple lived harmoniously. But she didn't even have a right to voice out her heart desires.

His words fell over her like chilled water, dousing the wine's effect, and dampening her hope. 

Haley sobered up immediately, grief clutching her heart. “Liam, do you think I married you just for money?”

Haley didn't see those words coming from him.

Through her actions, her genuine love was obvious. 

While he spent most nights outside, she maintained a perfect home for him to return to.

She neither complained nor demanded his affection, just giving and never taking.

Why couldn't he see it?

The suspicion in his eyes as he stared at her hurt more than daggers piercing her heart. 

If only she could read his thoughts- his mind. 

“What else do you expect me to think!” Liam spat out, unaware of the poisonous effect of his words on her heart. Or maybe he was aware. “Haley Nash, don't overstep your limits. I'll never have children with you. Don't forget how you plotted to marry me in the first place!”

His words weren't only insulting, but also heartbreaking, reducing her to a desperate woman eager for his affection. 

Where did she go wrong?

She gave him her heart, and he didn't have any trouble with crushing it at every opportunity he got. 

“You're still not over Lisa, are you?”

Haley shouldn't have asked the now obvious truth.

Back then, Lisa had been the only obstacle to her happiness; the man she loved. 

While she'd desperately longed for him, he never spared her a glance. His eyes were only for Lisa. 

However, didn't Leah share a great resemblance with Lisa, his Ex?

Instead of acknowledging Haley's feelings, he'd transferred all the love he had for his Ex to Leah.

To him, Leah was a mirror, reflecting his first love, Lisa.

Liam didn't answer her question, his dark eyes narrowing into slits, the emotions in his eyes unreadable. He left the room, slamming the door. 

Desperation fueling her grief, Haley scurried off the bed and went after him. Wiping her tears furiously, she hurried to catch up with him. 

“Let’s get a divorce,” Haley blurted out. 

Liam halted in his steps. His back facing her, his body went rigid. 

A moment of silence went by, filled with tension. Haley watched him with bated breath, her heartbeat picking up.

“Fine.” He moved. 

Without a glance in her direction, the man walked away. 


Just fine?

Haley chuckled, her laughter mixed with tears.

For three years, she'd overworked herself beyond measure only to please the man she loved. 

She was the perfect wife, the best daughter-in-law. Whenever he came back home sick, she stayed up all night nursing him. 

While she always hid her illness from him so as to not bother him. She might look pale and fragile, but he never cast her a glance talk more of asking how she was feeling. 

Despite that, Haley never complained. She only wanted to be perfect for him, to melt his cold heart someday.

Yet, her divorce proposal was only received with a single word, almost insignificant. 'Fine.'

It showed he never cared, and would never.

If only she'd realized that earlier.

On the first day she saw him in college, he stole her heart.

That was the most bizarre thing that had ever happened to her.

At that time, he was with Lisa. She dared not be the third wheel.

Haley had been bold enough to confess her feelings when Lisa left and dumped him. She'd offered him comfort, striving to mend his heart. 

She worked hard to get his attention, getting into his family's good books, and sacrificing her own family’s happiness. 

Her hard work paid off as Liam eventually noticed her. Thinking he'd forgotten Lisa, Haley married him happily. 

But the nightmare began on their wedding night. 

He set rules for her; 

Their intimacy would only happen once a month. 

She wasn't allowed to call him with any endearing name.

She wasn't allowed to cook his food or touch his things. 

She wasn't allowed to ask more than he gave her.

She was never allowed to make their relationship public.

Thinking he only needed time to adjust to her, she'd had no objections.

Tears blurred Haley's vision. 

She leaned by the wall, blinking at her phone's screen that suddenly lit up. 

A message notification appeared. Wondering who was messaging her this late, she clicked on the message. 

[I'm pregnant. It's time for me to become the new Mrs. Nash.]

A message from his secretary. To put it accurately, his mistress, Leah.

Haley gripped the phone, her body trembling.

Accompanying the message was a screenshot of a pregnancy test result.

It turned out, Liam didn't hate babies after all. He just didn't want to have one with her!

How disappointing that she'd wasted her time thinking he only disliked having babies.

What's the point in sticking with a man who wouldn't value her?

Haley wiped her tears.

She'd been having second thoughts whenever the decision came to her mind to just leave the man, because a part of her mind always held hope for a better future for them.

But right now, the future seemed ridiculous, almost laughable. 

Even Leah whom he only hired three months ago was now pregnant with his child.

The more Haley clung onto this man, the more he'd enjoy breaking her, reveling in her misery.

That night, Haley retrieved the document she'd hidden in a dark corner of the closet.

Staring at it, her heart throbbed tremendously, a part of her dying in that moment,

A pain brought by watching her years of hard work crumbling right before her. 

She took in a deep breath, sniffing back the tears she now hated more than anything,

Tears that reminded her of how weak and helpless she'd reduced herself to all in the name of begging for love. 

Never again.

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