
Divorced Heiress Strikes Back
Divorced Heiress Strikes Back
Author: HusnaS

1. Desperate To Have A Child

Scented candles, champagne, and rose petals… check!

Haley strolled across the bedroom.

A crimson silk gown hugged her curves, flowing down her ankles, with a daring slit that revealed a glimpse of her slender leg.

In the background, a soft melody played, lulling her to give in to the exhaustion from spending the whole day getting ready.

The atmosphere was a mix of jasmine and lavender fragrance wafting in the air, the urge to sleep became stronger with each minute that passed by. 

Going to sleep was impossible though. For twenty-nine days, she'd been anticipating and preparing for tonight. 

Liam rarely came home. 

They'd been married for three years, but their relationship was nothing more than a distant coexistence.

Her husband was always conveniently busy with work, hardly having time for her. The only proof of their relationship was the intimacy they shared once a month. 

Tonight marked their third anniversary. 

As one of the few nights Liam would get intimate with her, everything must be perfect. 

If only he'd come home now. The business trip should be over. His assistant told her Liam's plane landed an hour ago. 

Did an emergency come up at his company and he needed to take care of it?

Bored, Haley sat on the edge of the bed and picked up her phone.

She checked into her social media account to kill time, her hope gradually fading into gloom as minutes trickled by. 

Haley logged into a news channel that always aired news about top celebrities in the city as well as big tycoons and companies. 

It was one of the different ways she used to keep tabs on her husband. Yet, she doubted they would post anything about him. His company hardly got into any scandal. 

Just then, a piece of news popped up, featuring NK Enterprise, her husband's company.

Excited, Haley tapped into the news; "William Nash, Famous CEO of NK Enterprise, Checks Into Hotel With his Mystery Girlfriend, Relationship Revealed" 


Her Liam? 

Haley stood up, her eyes glued to her phone's screen, shock and disbelief taking over. Angry as well when she saw the image of her husband entering the famous Eden Suites Hotel, his arm snaked around a woman's waist. 

And when the woman's face was revealed, so many thoughts flooded Haley's mind at once. 

Disbelief, fear, and uncertainty. 


The girl who looked a lot like Lisa, Liam's Ex.

Leah was a mere receptionist at NK Enterprise until one day, Liam noticed the similarities she shared with his Ex. 

Not a week went by before he promoted her to the secretary position. 

Rumors were flying around at that time that William Nash had a soft spot for his secretary,

Rumors Haley found hard to believe. Liam might be cold and unromantic with her, but he wasn't the kind of person she believed would have an affair, talk more with his secretary. 

But what was this news about?

Liam must have gone to the hotel with his secretary for some business dealings, right?

Still, what was with holding Leah's waist?

Sinking in confusion was pointless. Haley dialed his number.

He didn't answer the phone, heightening her anxiety. On her third trial, he finally picked up. 

“What's up?” His deep voice, heavy with tiredness, murmured through the phone. 

Haley inhaled deeply, controlling her emotions. “Liam, where are you? Today's our third anniversary, remember?”

“So?” From his careless tone, Haley couldn't help but imagine him rolling his eyes. “Not coming home. Sleep by yourself.” 

Knowing what she wanted, he still rejected her brutally, his voice holding no remorse, a gut-wrenching punch to her pride. 

Just then, a female voice, soft and seductive, came on the phone. “Willy, I'm thirsty.”


Even Haley wasn't allowed to call him that. 

He truly was with a woman!

At this hour, her husband was with a freaking woman!

The phone beeped. He hung up the call. 

Dazed, Haley's gaze fell on the decorations; her hard work. She sank onto the bed, her thoughts spinning and that voice echoing.


That was Leah's voice.

What was happening? Did she misread Liam's lack of displaying affection for her as a part of his cold personality?

Sleep departed Haley's eyes, and her throat was suddenly dry. She longed for anything to distract her from the confusing and heartbreaking thoughts, so she gulped down the champagne, wishing it'd wash her sadness away.

Why did he love to hurt her feelings?

During the times he never returned home, was he really with his secretary as the rumors had it?

Haley stirred in the middle of the night, drowsy and starkly aware of the strong hands fondling with her gown. 

She found Liam hovering over her, trying to undress her. Haley blinked. Urgh! Why was she dreaming about this man who only knew to break her heart?

Yet, as his fingers grazed her body, goosebumps spread across her skin, and she winced. 

“Hey, wait…” Haley stopped him, her voice hoarse from crying, still wanting to confirm if she was dreaming.

Liam smirked. “You called me back. Isn't it for this?”

Haley blushed. 

He came back. Maybe she'd misunderstood again. 

“I've got you our anniversary present. Wanna see it?” She asked.

“Boring.” He trailed kisses down her neck, pulling her nightgown down. 

“Uhm, Liam…”

Irritation flashed in his eyes when she interrupted again. 

Haley gulped, summoning courage, grateful for the whole bottle of champagne she'd emptied in her stomach. “C- Can… Can you not wear it tonight?”

Liam halted. 

His dark eyes bore a hole through her heart, his expression frosting over.

The atmosphere became so stale and suffocating, and her breathing hitched when he pushed her away. 

“You're always okay with me wearing protection.” His dark voice made her shudder. “Why not now?”

Haley cowered to the bed's headboard, flushed and embarrassed.

She looked down. “It's your Grandma. She laments every day about us not having a baby.”

“Grandma, huh?” He scoffed, pinning her with a glare. “More like you're desperate to have a child to keep the title of Mrs. Nash in this family!”

His mouth spat venom. 

Haley held back her tears and clenched her fists, the bitterness in his words spreading from her heart and numbing her whole.

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