
Divorcing him: Mr billionaire doesn't want our baby
Divorcing him: Mr billionaire doesn't want our baby
Author: Fiery pen


Vivian’s POV

“Congratulations, Mrs. Stuart. You’re ten weeks pregnant,” the female doctor announced, flashing me a genuine grin that reached her crinkling eyes. Her words hit me like a bomb, a cold sweat broke out on my forehead, and a heaviness settled in my belly. My mind struggled to process the impossible news, my breaths coming in shallow, rapid bursts.

The smell of latex gloves and astringent hand sanitizer wafted through the air, making my stomach churn. I felt queasy.

Pregnant? How? This can’t be.

“I-I-I’m carrying a child?” I stuttered, the words heavy on my tongue. My forehead creased into folds of confusion, and my heartbeat pounded so loudly I could hear it in my ears.

“In fact, the baby is in perfect condition.” The doctor’s words seemed to echo in the sterile room, each syllable stretching out as if in slow motion. “Your husband must be proud.” She closed the file with a satisfied nod, but her words blurred together. Blood drained from my face, my hands turning cold as ice. The room spun slightly, and I gripped the edge of the examination table to steady myself.

All other sounds in the room faded into the background as one name rang out in my mind: Nate.

Tremors wracked my body, sending shivers down my spine. My mind flashed back to the one night he came home drunk. I might have skipped one or two pills, but even in his drunken state, he hadn’t forgotten to use a condom. How could I be so careless?

The door burst open, jolting me back to reality. Tracy rushed in, her worried gaze darting between me and the doctor.

“I came as soon as I could. What happened? Doc, is she alright?” Tracy’s voice was frantic as she hurried to my side, grabbing my hand for support. She looked back and forth, seeking answers, but the lump in my throat robbed me of my voice.

“Can someone tell me what the hell is going on?”

“She had a fainting spell, which is common for pregnancies. She and the baby are fine,” the doctor said patiently, earning a gasp from Tracy, whose eyes widened as she surveyed me.

“Oh my God! Vivi? You’re pregnant! I-I’m happy for you!” Tracy gave a broken laugh, her face lighting up with excitement. But her joy only made me feel worse. She had no idea of my situation. She didn’t know that I couldn’t be carrying Nate’s child. Not now. Not ever.

“Vivian! Do you know what this means?” Tracy’s voice was full of excitement, her smile widening as she looked at me intently. My mind raced, the doctor’s words still ringing in my ears.

“What?” I managed to croak out, my voice barely above a whisper.

“It means you and Nate have been blessed with a do-over!” Tracy exclaimed, her happiness stark against the dark cloud looming over me. “What better way to rekindle a marriage than with a baby!”

Tracy’s excitement filled the room, but all I could hear was the pounding of my own heart. I forced a smile, my mind screaming in silent protest as an image popped behind my eyes : CLAUSE 7: On no account should children be brought into this contract, the result of which would have dire consequences.

“Nate would be so happy!” Tracy concluded, snapping me to reality, oblivious to the turmoil raging inside me. I felt the walls closing in, my breaths growing shorter.

Nate would be anything but happy. He was going to be furious!

“Let’s get you an Uber. I’m guessing you didn’t drive?” Tracy suggested. I nodded numbly as she left to arrange the ride. As I lay there, tears building up in my eyes, I suddenly realized I couldn’t stay in that hospital room with the antiseptic smell and beeping machines. I rose from the bed, trying to hold back my tears, bowing my head as I let myself out.

I had barely crossed the threshold of the hospital room when I nearly bumped into someone.

“I am so sor—” My words choked in my throat as cold eyes burned into my skull. My eyes darted to the left, and my sorrow multiplied.

“Mr. Stuart! S-s-sir!” I exclaimed too loudly.

Nate held her arm tightly, his body protecting hers in a way he never did for me. The woman gave me a dirty look as I forced a smile.

“Funny bumping into you here. What are you doing here?” I asked, jealousy getting the best of me.

“Who are you to ask him that?” The woman beside Nate sharply asked. Her voice oozed confidence in its low, husky manner.

I turned, plastering the fakest smile on my face when my eyes met the woman’s and I froze.


Seeing her perfect face that .plllp like it hadn’t aged a day was a massive punch in my guts.

Then self awareness followed. Unconsciously, I tilted my face away from her before she would recognize me.

It was important, to my fast dwindling self confidence and my marriage contract that she wouldn’t realise who I was. 

My eyes trailed downwards, following the perfect way her hand slotted into Nate’s. 

So the rumours were true.. Nate had somehow reunited with his high school sweetheart who just happened to be my ex-classmate.

I stretched my lips further, wiping my shock and hurt as suddenly as I'd felt them.

 Eve was Nate’s fiery first love in highschool that had gotten people talking and yet when they broke up, it was an even bigger news with both parties keeping quiet, so much that the only bits of information i could only ever scrape about her were gossips and even now, the office rumours were brutal, they tagged it a love that never died which made me feel as though I was walking on eggshells with him.

“Forgive me. I’m his secretary. I came to visit my sick mother," I said, feeling the need to explain my presence. I even extended a friendly hand for a handshake.

The dirty look Eve gave me was so condescending and insulting, I felt myself shrink in size.

Luckily, no look of sudden realisation crossed Eve’s face. Infact, calling myself Nate’s secretary was what had caught her attention instead.

She slapped my hand away like it was threatening her.

My eyes widened and they slid to Nate’s, foolishly waiting for something. 

What had I been expecting? That he would reprimand her for being so rude?

“Nate, please, the doctor,” Eve pouted, ignoring me. Nate smiled slightly and kissed the top of her head. Without a word, he bypassed me, leading her away while my world dissipated into a charred mess.

Tears stung my eyes as I ran to the nearest bathroom, barely containing my emotions. I was secretly pregnant and married, under the guise of another man’s name—a man who didn’t see me as a person with feelings. The past few days suddenly made sense now, his cold demeanour, the late nights, that lipstick on his collar one time.

Eve was back and she was making it clear who Nate was in love with.

What chance did I have against a woman who had the keys to Nate’s heart, a woman so high and mighty that over the years, Nate had been spellbound with her, denying everyone else a space in his heart. 

I let out a broken sob as my heart sank. 

If I didn’t stand a chance, what chance did a forbidden child have?

I picked up my phone, dialled Tracy, and lied for the millionth time that Nate had come to pick me up and I was on my way home. My eyes were swollen and puffy from crying in the bathroom. I walked out of the hospital ward to a place all too familiar to me, one Nate didn’t know about and would never visit by accident.

The nurses greeted me with warm smiles, their familiar faces offering little comfort. They led me down the sterile corridors to my mother’s room. Machines beeped rhythmically, a stark reminder of her fragile state. As I entered, the smell of antiseptic filled my nostrils. My mother lay still, her eyes closed, her once vibrant face now pale and drawn.

I sat beside her, gently taking her frail hand in mine. I lifted it to my lips, pressing a soft kiss to her cool skin. “Mom,” I whispered, my voice breaking. Tears blurred my vision, but I held them back, refusing to let them fall in front of her, not as it would matter anyway since she was in a coma.

How pained would she be if she could see her daughter, choking in sadness that she couldn't control, she would weep for me. 

I remembered how she loved to play fairy god-mother with me, how we would stay awake under bed covers all through my highschool years, laughing and drawing up happy plans on how I would be so happy finding my own prince charming and when i fell in love with Nate, she teased me so much about bearing mini Nates and i knew even then, it was a match she loved.

I choked on my own sobs as i realised that she would rather gouge out her eyes if she saw me cry and then heard what a loveless contractual marriage i had made for myself and how the children we were so happy about was a taboo in this marriage and yet had done the worst thing imaginable by breaking the one rule i knew Nate was strongly against.

I had fallen asleep by her bedside when my phone rang, startling me. My eyes glanced at the caller ID, and fear shook my core.

Did he know I was pregnant? Did he find out I had been lying?

My hands trembled as I answered the phone. “H-Hello?”

“My mother expects you for dinner in thirty minutes. Make yourself available. There should be a dress in your room. I trust you know the house we normally use for dinners?” he asked. I nodded, then realized he couldn’t see me. “Yes, I do,” I said. He gave a small grunt and ended the call, not mentioning a word about what had transpired between us at the ward.

I didn’t know whether to feel relieved or afraid. Nate may be a devil, but his mother was the worst kind. With this hidden news, I knew I was walking into a minefield.

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