


I looked at Ethan and tried to beg him with my eyes, but he refused to look at me.

“Vivi was just saying that she was—” Ethan started to say, and he finally looked at me. I held his gaze, pleading for secrecy.

“What is going on? Vivi, why are you in the hospital? Did Nate do something to you? Is that why you called me?” Tracy’s eyes darted between Ethan and me, the atmosphere thick with tension. Her questions made my heart race.

“—Due for an ultrasound. I was just saying how happy I was for her and how I was going to rip Nate to shreds for picking a crappy hospital,” Ethan improvised, and the tension in the room dissipated.

“Oh?” Tracy asked, a smile forming on her face as she walked towards me, her hands gently cradling my neck. “In that case, we should all rip Nate Stuart to shreds for his crappy taste in hospitals,” she said with a light smile.

Ethan cleared his throat. “I believe I am no longer needed. Take care of Vivian; she deserves only the best,” he said, still not looking at me. He gave a nod and left in angry strides. As he walked away, I could see the conflict in his eyes. A part of me hoped he wouldn't go through with his anger, that he would let things be.

Tracy turned her attention back to me, her smile fading slightly as she sensed the lingering tension. "Vivian, is everything really okay?"

I forced a smile, trying to reassure her. "Yes, Tracy, everything is fine. Thank you for coming."

She nodded, still unconvinced, but didn't press further. My thoughts, however, were with Ethan, hoping he wouldn't let his protective instincts lead to something he might regret. 

Later that evening, While Tracy was signing a discharge form with the doctor, Ethan returned. He stood at the doorway for a moment before approaching my bed. His earlier anger had faded, replaced by a soft concern and the smile I knew him for.

"Vivian," he started quietly, "I hope you're feeling better?"

I nodded, my emotions mixed. "Thank you, Ethan. For everything."

He hesitated, then took a seat beside me. "I wanted to say... I'm sorry if I made things more complicated earlier. I just—" he paused, searching for the right words. "I don't like seeing you hurt." 

His words were simple, but they carried the weight of his sincerity. I reached out and touched his hand briefly, a silent acknowledgment of his apology.

"It's okay, Ethan. I understand."

He nodded, the tension between us easing. "If you need anything, just let me know. I'm here for you."

"Thank you," I whispered, grateful for his support. As he left, I felt a sense of relief, knowing that despite the turmoil, there was someone I could rely on.

Tracy picked me up from the hospital and tried to ask me questions but I continued my lie, telling her that Nate had travelled and the house was lonely and she gave me the ultimate princess treatment which gave me time to distract myself until the next day when she practically begged me to go baby shopping as she was more than happy to help and I had no other choice.

We arrived at the boutique, filled with classy baby outfits that called out to me. Despite Nate’s betrayal, I needed a distraction.

“This one is so cute!” Tracy’s contagious optimism echoed as she handed me a set of clothes. I touched the soft fabric, imagining it keeping my baby warm. Suddenly, reality hit me—I was going to be a mother.

Terrified yet excited, I anticipated having someone precious to care for and love.

As Tracy brought more items, I continued touching them, my hands brushing my belly affectionately. My baby needed to know I would always be there no matter what happens.

High school memories flooded my mind— carefree days filled with thoughts of Nate Stuart.

I had a terrible crush on him, but my father’s accident and our bankruptcy changed everything. Years later, Nate’s grandfather orchestrated our marriage, yet our love remained one-sided.

I was in love with him but he didn't even see me as a person.

The reality of it now and how much I had been living in delusions burned like hot coal.

“It’s too bright and that color is too dull!” a familiar voice interrupted my thoughts.

Wait.. I knew that voice.

The reason for our outing was forgotten as I followed the sound.

I felt bad for leaving my best friend alone wandering around the clothes section by herself helping me pick more outfits but my head was drawing conclusions my heart could not accept.

“Look at those striped socks!” Eve’s unnecessarily loud voice pierced my ears.

What was she doing here? In a baby shop!

“What if the baby is a girl?” I heard her ask in a teasing voice. An aisle separated us and I begged whatever force out there for what I was thinking to be a lie.

I peeked behind the aisle.

 Eve was admiring baby socks, her back turned to me.

Maybe she came here alone.

It was a foolish thought because I heard another voice. Deep, low and masculine with an accent I would recognize anywhere. 

“What if it’s a boy?” Nate teased back.


The sting of Nate’s betrayal pierced my heart and I physically staggered. My fingers tightened around the soft fabric of a tiny onesie on the shelf, wrinkling it as I struggled to steady my breath, my eyes unable to stop looking at them.

“Both of you look so adorable!” a salesgirl gushed and typical Eve smiled broader than ever while placing her fingers on Nate’s chest.

A surge of jealousy pricked my skin, my nails digging into my palms. Nate would barely touch me, yet here he was, so affectionate with her.

“So will our baby,” she said with affection and Nate’s hand caressed her stomach and I struggled to breathe.

This couldn't be happening. 

It couldn't be real!

Tracy found me crouched in a small space, straining to hide and watch them, my eyes burning with emotions and I could tell she was pissed that I'd wandered off.

“What are you doing here, hiding? This is a store, not a playground,” Tracy playfully scolded. I ignored her. With no other option, she joined me in hiding. When she saw what had captured my attention, she gasped, sharing my ordeal.

He said didn’t want children, and we had the contract to prove it but in actuality, he didn't want kids with me!

Yet, my body betrayed me, carrying his child against his wishes.

My chest tightened as I watched Nate laugh and kiss Eve, their closeness a knife twisting deeper into my heart.

It was ironic how he flared up when Ethan had dropped me off, yet he was okay with this public display.

Tears welled in my eyes, blurring my vision as I bit my lip to stop them from falling. My fists tightened, growing white. Tracy placed her hand on mine, offering me temporary solace.

Why had I entered such a loveless arrangement? For my family’s sake? For love?

Wanting something I could never have was pathetic, but it hurt ten times more to be like this. I watched them move away and I released a sigh.

Like a mouse, I crept out of hiding, brushing imaginary dust from my skin as I prepared to leave the store, now aware of my long standing foolishness.

Wearing Nate’s family heirloom wedding band had once filled me with hope. Now, I knew better—a wedding band didn’t stop me from being a side piece, or worse, the other woman.

Nate, with his faux coldness and his stupid contract had deceived me. The realisation twisted my belly but then, the greatest deceiver was myself.

I turned to leave, my faith and trust in Nate shattered, leaving my unrequited love growing into something cold and ugly.

“Wait!” Tracy’s sudden demand confused me until I pieced together what had happened.

“Seeing that raises valid questions, Vivi? What’s really going on with you and Nate? No responsible man would do that,” Tracy insisted.

I bit my tongue, deciding to reveal everything, knowing I was about to break my best friend’s trust.

Tracy had been friends with me since I left high school early. We went to college together, and she was a beacon of hope every time I went through a dark tunnel. I bit my lip harder, drawing blood as the very thought of breaking her trust over a contract seemed stupid to me.

Her eyes shifted, her hands clamping down on mine almost immediately. “I promise, there is nothing you want to say that would make me see you less. I understand, and you are my best friend,” she said, and the guilt doubled until I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

Tracy looked at me expectantly, and I tried not to cry. She didn’t deserve to be lied to. So, I told her everything, leaving her speechless and somewhat angry, but I soon realised she was angry on my behalf, and I was grateful for that.

“Does he know?” Tracy asked, concern etched on her face. Her brows knitted, showing more than just concern—it was anger.

I shook my head. “Nate doesn’t know anything. I’ve been keeping my pregnancy a secret,” I admitted. Tracy’s puzzled expression changed to shock and anger. She tried to hold me, but it was too late.

“Pregnancy? You’re having a baby?” A baritone voice shattered the calm.

Nate’s strong, unforgiving voice exposed my deepest secret.

How had I not noticed we’d been standing near the front desk where Nate would eventually pass by?

Fear gripped me until Tracy stepped forward, shielding me. But even her bravery couldn’t mask the terror I felt immediately.

“Explain yourself,” Nate said harshly, and I found breathing hard to do.

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