
Don Markos
Don Markos
Author: Sweettales

It's Him (Hazel)

“Fuck! “ I cursed as I picked up all the documents I had dropped. I was in my favorite coffee shop ordering coffee before I went for a job interview. 

I was so clumsy I tripped and dropped everything I had been holding. Everyone looked at me as I picked up my items while I blushed in embarrassment. I hated being the center of attention and people were giving it out in plenty. 

“Here, let me help you, “ someone said. I looked at my good samaritan to see a good-looking man with deep blue eyes and an award-winning smile. I blushed even harder and tried not to let my hands shake. 

I was already sweating like I had just run the marathon. I didn’t want the stranger to think I was some kind of weirdo. 

“Thank you, “ I said as I stood up and got all my documents from him. He was in casual clothes,  had coffee in his hands, and had a boyish smile on his face.

“You’re welcome, beautiful, “ he answered smoothly. I wanted to give him a chance and flirt back but I had a lot on my plate–adding a man would be catastrophic. A selfish part of me urged me to go ahead and live in the moment without overthinking anything.

I could use a hot night of unwinding with all the stress Iwas under. 

“So, what is your name–” He started to speak but was cut off by the barista yelling my order. 

“That’s my order, “ I said awkwardly. He handed me his card and said, “Give me a call if you change your mind. I will be expecting it. “

He turned around and left. He must have realized I was planning on blowing him off when I didn’t tell him my name. Sighing, I headed to the counter and took my coffee order. 

I turned around to leave and my bad luck persisted when I bumped into someone and poured all my coffee on his suit.

Too embarrassed to look at him, I turned around and took some towels from the counter. I started wiping his suit while profusely apologizing. I wanted the floor to open up and swallow me whole. 

He grabbed my hand to stop me, making me lift my head to look at him. He was much taller than me so I had to crane my neck to look at him.

 A gasp left my lips before I could stop it and I blinked twice to make sure I was seeing right.

The second my hazel eyes met his dark chocolate ones, I felt the shift in the air. Suddenly, there was less oxygen. The fire that ignited between us was blazing hotter than it ever had.

My head was all fuzzy and I was speechless. Of all the ways I had expected my morning to go, it wasn’t like that. 

“Haze, “ his deep voice rumbled as he raked his eyes all over me. Only HE called me that. 

“Markos, “ I said almost breathlessly. My heart was beating so fast it muffled all the other noises. My head was spinning so fast, I felt like I could faint just from seeing a ghost from my past. 

Gone was the tall scrawny kid with innocent features that I knew. He was replaced by an alpha male version that was tall and muscular with his form filling his suit out perfectly. 

He had a 5 O’clock shadow beard on his face that made him look even hotter and his hair was as dark as it had been before. And his eyes, oh God, his chocolate brown eyes were as beautiful and hypnotic as they had ever been.

All the feelings I had for my college sweetheart were back. I felt every nerve in my body come alive when he looked at me and it made me all fuzzy inside when he smiled at me.

My body came alive under his gaze. The tension in the air was unlike college. I could tell something changed. There was an aura of darkness and danger surrounding him. And the worst part was that I was drawn to it.

“What are you doing here? “ He asked as he looked into my eyes. Not only had he gotten ten times hotter over the years, but he had also lost the warmth in his eyes. They were so cold and calculating that it sent a shiver down my spine.

His one look had me blushing under his intense scrutiny. It felt like he was looking deep into my soul. Of everything I felt, the prevalent feeling was embarrassment. 

Oh, how tables had turned. He was in an expensive Armani suit, designer shoes, and expensive cufflinks. Even his watch looked like it cost a couple of thousands of dollars. 

I, on the other hand, was wearing clothes that looked like they had seen better days. My shoes were worn out and my hair was in a bun to hide that I couldn’t afford a straightener to fix my hair. 

It was a big blow to my ego. I averted my eyes and looked anywhere but at him.

“Haze? “ He called. Only then did I realize that I had yet to answer his question. I got over my shock and forced myself to speak. 

“You know I hated it when you called me that, “ I said with a smile. I wasn’t going to act bitter and reminisce about what could have been. 

“I remember you loving it, Hazel. It’s nice to see youagain. How long has it been? Seven years? “ 

Seven years, two months, and twenty-one days to be exact. But I didn’t tell him that. I didn't tell him that I was still counting down the days since he left me with no explanation. 

That day, he left me with a burden no one should be left to carry.

“Yeah, it has been that long, hasn’t it? “ I said sadly. I didn’t want us to dwell on the details that made me angry and sad so I added in a more playful tone, “ I am sorry for your suit. I didn’t mean to pour my coffee on you. “

“Don’t worry about it. “

Then we just stood there staring at each other. I didn’t miss the longing I saw in his eyes. It was the only thing that gave me consolation that my feelings were reciprocated.

When I looked deep into his eyes, I saw an internal conflict. For what? I didn’t know.

“What are you up to? “ He asked as he eyed my documents. 

“I-uh am looking for a job. I am going for an interview at Bradley Group, “ I admitted. “It’s a long walk from here so I have to run. “

“I could take you. You might be late if you walk. “

It became evident then that he knew the tragedy that had befallen my family. His ride was out of pity.


“Let me, please, “ he said and closed the distance between us. We were so close that I could feel his body warmth. I wanted to bask in his comfort. Maybe I could wrap my arms around him just to remember what it felt like to be in his arms. 

But I didn’t. He was the one who left me with no explanation and broke my heart. I couldn't show him he had an effect on me.

“Okay. “

He led me out of the coffee shop with his hand on my waist as I tried not to focus on how his hand was dangerously close to touching my ass. When we stopped before his black Rolls Royce, I fought the urge to ogle at the impressive car like a stupid idiot. 

Despite how bitter I was, a huge part of me was proud of him and what he had achieved. 

We both got into the car and drove in silence. There were a lot of things I wanted to say to him but I didn’t. The tension in the car was enough to cut through glass. Maybe it was because we had been apart for so long and didn’t know how to be around one another. 

The last I saw him, he was just a poor orphan with no penny to his name and a bunch of student loans. The last time he saw me, I was a rich heiress with millions in my trust fund. 

Things had changed. I could barely afford my next meal o

r get a decent job while he had everything he dreamt of having. 

“We’re here, “ he said as he parked in front of the large building. 

“Thank you. “

He grabbed my hand to stop me as I was trying to leave.

Electrical shockwaves shot through my body just from his touch. Everything I felt for him when I was in college hadn’t gone away. Instead, it had intensified.  It was back full throttle.

“I want to see you again, “ he said as he looked into my eyes. My heart raced as we stayed frozen there just looking at each other. There was nothing more I wanted than to speak to him again to find out if he was still the same Markos from all those years ago.

I wanted to say yes, feel his lips on me again, and fix what could have been but I couldn’t. How was I supposed to get over him leaving me with no explanation? He broke my heart into a million pieces and left me to dry. 

Plus, I wasn’t worthy of his love. I was nothing compared to women of class.


“Say yes, Hazel. Please. “

How was I supposed to say no to that? 

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