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I slowly closed the door and leaned against it. She didn't even realise my presence now as I stood there the whole time she was busy in her conversation with Edward Reinford... She found her solace in his arms and didn't need a drink anymore.

I slowly dragged myself back into my room. Some would say, I should fight my way in her life but how could I when I was never in the picture? Four years wasn't a short time, and I successfully failed to erase her emotions that were drowned in her subconscious mind and never defaced even after staying away from him.

Now, he is back in her life again... Yes, I do know who is he since the beginning.

She didn't know but in her sleep, she had muttered his name a lot. Edward... She begged him to not leave her almost every night. She confessed her pregnancy to him every night and I heard all of it.

She thought I only appeared after she woke up from nightmares. But, she never realised I had a little speaker planted in her bracelet she always wears... Well, she used to and not anymore. I put it on her to protect her. To be there with her when she needed me. I guess, she never really needed me.

When she said a billionaire requested her presence at his daughter's birthday party. Edward's name immediately raised my insecurity in me. Though I didn't know he was the same person, still went with her. The moment that little girl called her Mommy in the hotel, slowly, my thoughts started turning to reality.

I was sure the day I saw him in the hospital with her. His eyes said everything. Still, I searched and finally, I knew it... It was him, her husband. I knew I was losing my love for the second time and the business trip made it worse. That drunken kiss made Elaine finally realise her feelings that I already knew.

I know what I did in the hotel was unacceptable. Blame my drunken state again, I lost control over my right state of mind.

When she refused me, lots of times, I wanted her to tell how Edward hurt her in the past. I tried it today too but... I paused when I saw her smiling thinking of him. No matter what, she still loves him and her daughter. I couldn't hold her back.

Elaine is a solace for my ached soul that started beating the moment she appeared in my life. I overcame my anguish with her and loved her since the beginning. But, she only loved one man who is now her husband.

She wanted me as her friend. Maybe, I will try to become one for her. A true friend this time. However, it doesn't mean I would stop wanting her. I won't. If Edward dares to make another mistake, I will be the wall this time and take her with me...

My thoughts broke at the ringing of my phone. It was my assistant. I received the call... "Did you find out?"

"Yes, sir." He replied. "In one CC TV footage, the car number was captured. It's connected to Chairman Jerard Roullard. The car was driven by his man..." He paused. "But sir, we don't have any conflict with him then why would he...?"

"Hmm, I'll look into it." I hung up the call and lit up the cigar.

Jerard Roullard. The Chairman of the historic Roullard Corporation who has everything in the world... If his man was following us it wouldn't be without his permission. One thing's for sure, he has such a loyal bunch of men. And that made it more complicated. Why would a legend like him follow my car...?


Thanks for reading today. I hope you enjoyed 🥰

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