
Happy Moment

“You didn’t ruin your life. If ending your marriage is what will bring you peace of mind and happiness, then you are on the right path,” Isabella’s father said to her.

“Yes, Bella,” her mother added in support. “You don’t have to worry about what people will say. You are still young, so don’t think that no good man will come your way again. Bella, you are a good woman. One day, someone who will love you and accept Isla will come into your life. Don’t give up, sweetheart.”

If Isabella has not heard anything good in a long while, she has heard enough from her caring and supportive parents in the past hour.

She had been so filled with pain and anguish when she arrived but right now, her tears had dried up and her empty heart had already started to get filled with hope again.

“Don’t cry over people that are not worth it.” Mr. Smith said, patting her back.

Smiling, her mother rose to her feet. “I made chicken soup and banana bread for dessert. I will set the table.”

Isabella managed a smile as she watched her mother leave while her father remained sitting with her for a while before joining her mother in the kitchen to help out.

Seeing her parents’ love waxing strong at this age, she just came to understand that she married the wrong person otherwise, her marriage would have worked given the kind of love her parents raised her with.

Right as Isabella was deep into thoughts about the love her parents had for each other and wishing that she would one day experience something genuine like that that would last for eternity, a small figure came running into her arms.


Isla was the exact carbon copy of her mother. They both had the same jet-black luscious hair and beautiful facial features.

Isabella’s mother used to talk so much about how much Isla resembled Bella when she was at that age. It must be so good to give birth to a Mini-You.

Now looking at her daughter and hugging her small body in her arms, Isabella could not be any prouder.

“Baby, I missed you.” Isabella planted kisses all over her daughter’s face and proceeded to lift her onto her thighs and play with her for a while.

The sounds of laughter from the living room reached the dining area where Isabella’s parents were setting the table.

“At least she is laughing now,” her mother said in a soft whisper and got her shoulders gently squeezed by her husband in such a comforting manner.


It’s been two days since Isabella has been staying with her parents and refusing Gerald’s calls.

Knowing that he would never dare to come to her workplace or her parent's house to look for her after not finding her in their home, she became more confident. But she realized that she needed a break from everything that was happening, so she made up her mind about taking leave from work.

So, on the last day of work for the week, she went into Richard’s office to ask for a few days' leave.

Richard looked her in the eye and sighed in relief. “I’m glad you have finally decided to take a break and clear your head. Your vacation will be sponsored to any country of your choice. So, tell me, which country do you have in mind?”

“Excuse me?” Isabella was confused. She was taking a few days' leave from work for personal reasons, so how come she was getting a vacation sponsorship? “Who will sponsor it?” she dared to ask.

“That’s not important.” Richard refused to answer that question and reclined on his chair. “Are you going with your daughter? Email me her details along with yours and the country of your choice before you clock out of work today.”

Isabella’s jaw dropped in shock. She didn’t even get the opportunity to tell Richard that she didn’t need a vacation to recover.

Her initial plan had been to stay home all week and spend time with her daughter doing some home activities that would be helpful to cheer them up and also stimulate the brain. That was how she planned to rest before this grand vacation opportunity came up.

“Sir…” Isabella mumbled. Though she was grateful for that opportunity and consideration, she just couldn’t get herself to freeload off whosoever’s money it was. She was going to reject her boss, but he refused to give her that opportunity.

“Isabella, you have no say on this,” Richard said while picking up a sheet of paper and a pain from his desk. While speaking to her, he noted down a few things before handing the paper to her.

“I need you and your daughter’s passports, your country of choice and how many days you want to stay away for. Don’t forget to formally apply for your leave and bring it to me before you go home today.”

Richard’s statement was final and left no room for refusal. The only thing Isabella could do was to thank him and leave his office.

As soon as she returned to her office, she worked on the stuff he asked of her before clocking off work for the week.

The following day Saturday, Isabella was busy brushing her daughter’s hair after dressing her up.

“Mummy, I haven’t seen Daddy. Is he not coming to visit me as promised?” Isla asked while playing with her pink hair parker.

She was too young to understand what was going on in her parents’s relationship, and she didn’t even need to know. She just wanted to see her father.

Isabella grew weak hearing her little girl ask about that scum of a husband. What was she supposed to her?

Thankfully, she didn’t have to answer that question as a series of notifications went off on her phone.

“Isla, give me a minute,” she said as she dropped the hairbrush and picked up her phone. A minute later, her face was filled with smiles. “Isla, we are going to Costa Rica on Monday!” She announced with joy.

The second Isla learnt that she would be travelling on a plane to some fun city with her mother, she forgot all about her father and basked in that good news,

“Yeah!” she showed her elbows while jumping happily.

Isabella called Richard to thank him for the healing trip he organized for her in such a short time plus the expenses he made, but he didn’t want to hear any of that.

“I just need you to come back with a strong and resilient mind,” he said to her.

After speaking with Richard, Isabella announced the news to her parents who were very happy as they had been secretly planning a trip for her.

“Whoever your boss is, make sure he knows we are grateful for his support,” Mrs. Smith said to Isabella with a smile that reached the eyes.

Since this trip was happening, Isabella let her parents help her with the organization and packing while she video-called her three friends to share the interesting news with them amidst her divorce battle.

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