

Eden pov

When Lucius returned with our breakfast, I had managed to pack my suitcase. Honestly, I went through the bags as if my ass was on fire because I didn’t want to discuss the contents of that one bag.

Just the thought of it made my cheeks burn bright red. But alas, I tossed the things in simply because Lucius asked me to and I didn’t want to disappoint him.

We didn’t talk about anything while we ate and when he needed to pack his bag, the only words that left us were some bits about the stuff he needed, and questions about basic items from me.

The morning went by in a blur. I think the severity of his decision sunk in only when Lucius opened the car door and helped me in. Titus decided to take his own car to give us more privacy.

As soon as we left the driveway and Lucius turned the car on the highway, my heart sank. This was it, I was returning to my tormentors.

Deep down, I felt like nothing could save me from them. No matter how far I ran, how many people I took with me
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Comments (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
Janet Swisher
Omg !!!!! I’m loving Titus even more !!!!!!
goodnovel comment avatar
Laura Kephart
hahahahahaha Polly Pocket Rocket!!!! Omg way too funny!
goodnovel comment avatar
Kiera J
As I spit my coffee reading "Polly Pocket rocket" lmao.

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