

Ben's accusations spontaneously burst out the wrath which Hansel had suppressed so far and this never missed out on Ben either but he ignored, pressing on his words with tears in his eyes.

" I know you want her dead for your selfish reasons, dad– Do you ever consider my feelings or what I want! "

"Enough! , you ungrateful being! " Hansel furiously snapped as he shook with anger and his words nearly choked him. He still had the murderous look on his face  as he stared at the sorrow stricken young man in the distance with indifference, totally emotionless.

"How dare you raise such treacherous accusations against me– After all I've done for you?" He continued on an impulse and the muscle in his jaw twitched while he clenched his jaw. He was cold and glinted; those steel eyes focused on him, demanding an answer. Ben just stared at him in silence as he moaned, wiping his tears– the pain in his chest exacerbated. He felt those accusing words pointin
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