

Kaisei didn't see me. I instantly thought running away from that place… The nearest exit was right behind the group of men with him among them, going there was obviously out of the question. I decided to go anywhere, further away first. I got up from the couch and started walking, looking around and hoping to find another exit. I saw some door, I couldn't say where it led, but I was determined to get out of there even if that door was actually a closet!

I was about to grab a door handle, when someone opened the door from the other side. It was one of the people from the staff, a Chinese guy. As soon as he saw me he started asking me something in Chinese, probably wondering what I was doing there. He caused the commotion I was desperate to avoid.

“Do you speak English?” I asked, discreetly lowering my voice.

“Little,” he answered, giving me a bit of hope to walk out of there.

“Where is the exit?” I said slowly, ho

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