
His way of convincing...

I stayed in Hiro's embrace for a longer while. I kept finding it incredible how much I felt complete in his arms. His warmth covered my body filling me with bliss, and making me forget about my previous anxieties. It didn't make any sense, but I guessed that love is never rational, and I absolutely in love with Hiro. At the point when I became numb from being unable to move in his tight grip, he finally let me go, and led me to sit on the sofa. He poured me a glass of wine and sat right beside me.

“Melisa told me… you used my plan… the windows… Why didn't you tell me?” I asked.

“I wanted to, but you didn't let me. I wanted to tell you everything, but I wasn't sure if telling you everything wouldn't endanger you more,” he explained.

“Endanger me more…?” I sighed, “Did you assume that I would reveal the real information to the mole? I even faked the date of the mission when she asked me!”

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