
Fifty Four


Elias changed his clothes. He took the letter, wondering why Nahigra would ask a question like that. "Everything about this letter is weird," He thought as he placed the letter back on his desk. "I need to see Avery." He said, and arranged his clothes back to where it should be and went out.

Nahigra walked slowly down the hall. She saw Nicholas, holding a bag behind him.

"Who would say that the almighty Nicholas would be walking around with no guards and a sack bag in his hands?" Nahigra's voice echoed in the hall.

A tilt of his head to look back at Nahigra, the morning sun made sure to give that bright green colour of his eyes a glow - He smiled.

"Top of the morning to you." He greeted Nahigra.

She walked up to him. "What is it you got there?"

"Kills." He still maintained the smile.

"You seem to be happy today."

"Should I be sad?" He smiled even brighter.

Nahigra stared deeply into his eyes. She did not know when she let out those words. "You look just like him." He still
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