

Michael saw a bright light flood his room. He lay on his bed as he tossed and turned trying to get some sleep, he couldn’t sleep after he just found out that he was the cause of his mother's death.

Michael shielded his eyes with his hands so as not to be blinded by the bright light. The light dimmed and there appeared a man with wings whiter than snow. The wings retracted into his back as if they were never there.

“Wow”. Michael gasped surprised at what he has just seen.

“Who are you”. Michael asked.

“And you”. He asked the second person standing beside the man with wings.

“I’m Dustin”. Dustin introduced himself.

“And this is Amayah”. Dustin added. Amayah was still having trouble recollecting himself after what transpired at his place and with the fact that Dustin had wings.

“Dustin you have wings”. Michael said, surprise written all over his word.

“Are you an angel”. Michael asked, he never thought they were real, he also never thought warlocks were real until he was told he was one.
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