
Chapter 0002

Evelyn's POV

“Oh, is that so?” Sebastian’s voice is smooth, and though his mask blocks most of his face, I can see the want in his eyes. He looks me over with those mesmerizing blue eyes, sending shivers through my body.

“What, are you scared now?” I challenge. “Maybe you’ve changed your mind?”

He loudly chuckles, irritation springing to my tight throat as I narrow my eyes. What is with this guy? Attractive or not, his demeanor and privilege outweigh his desirable qualities.

“Princess, I can assure you that I’m not the least bit afraid of you.”

“So, what’s stopping you?”

Sebastian gestures to the other women surrounding us, watching with intense focus and anger. They clearly don’t like that I’ve taken up the attention of the famous racer. “I have just so many options now; how will I ever choose?”

His eyes challenge me, something I’ve never seen from another man in the past—competition.

I’ll give him a challenge.

“Oh, what a difficult task. But you still want me, don’t you?”

Sebastian’s smirk betrays his mysterious attitude.

Gotcha, you bastard.

Sebastian holds out his hand to me, and I take it without a second thought. If Lucas wants to play dirty, then two can play at this game.


Sebastian pushes me up against the closed door of his hotel room near the party. His body touching mine is driving me ballistic, making me tremble in a way I’ve never thought possible.

He shakes his head as he looks down at me, the height difference increasingly becoming apparent. I can see the unmistakable bulge in his pants, which sends arousal through my shivering spine.

“Are you scared, Princess?” He whispers in my ear. There’s that name again, calling me Princess like I’m some dainty little thing.

But I refuse to admit any amount of fear.

“Yeah,” I reply instead. “I’m afraid. I’m afraid that you might be too ugly.”

He shakes his head, pulling me away from the door and pushing me onto the king-size mattress.

“Is that so?” he purrs.

“You refuse to take off your masquerade mask. For all I know, you’re disfigured like in Phantom of the Opera,” I shoot back, my breathing growing ragged. What is this man doing to me?

Sebastian laughs a genuine, belly-chuckling laugh. “I don’t know. If I take off the mask, you’ll never refuse me again. The mystery fades away between us.”

I roll my eyes. “Sure.”

He jumps onto the bedding, straddling me as he peers down at my body. His jacket has somehow made its way to the ground, and my heart skips a couple of beats as I notice the muscles he’s packing.

He leans down, our noses almost touching. “You asked for it, Princess.”

The man reaches behind his head and unties the black mask, letting it fall away as his entire face is revealed to me.

To my surprise, his features stop me from struggling in this situation. I’ve only fought back to remain in control, yet I stop and lie still at his genuinely stunning face.

The blue eyes sparkle with a mischievous glimmer, and his dark black hair compliments the perfect tan and body. Holy shit.

I don’t say anything. I don’t fight back. I stare in admiration at this sexy man.

As expected, Sebastian’s face turns devilish, wiggling his thick, bushy eyebrows at me. “Not that bad, huh?”

I feel a tug in my core, needing this man before I positively explode.

“Shut up,” I murmur. I push the back of his head and press his lips into mine, a flicker of my tongue going across his lips. Some other being takes over my limbs because I’m out of control.

It’s not long before we’re both naked and Sebastian Cain, this incredibly sexy, attractive God, is fucking the life out of me.

I must fall asleep after our activities because the next thing I know, I’m opening my eyes to the room growing light from the sun.

I sit up quickly, holding the bedsheets to my chest. I’m sore from our mind-blowing sex, and Sebastian is already awake, watching me with those powerful, seductive eyes.

“Good morning,” he whispers, running his hand across the sheets to touch my side, then across my stomach to pull me down to him. “Come here.”

All my confidence and anger from last night has seemingly washed away. He tries to kiss me again, but I stop the man. I shake my head, refusing to put out again.

“One and done,” I tell him.

“As you wish,” he replies, running his fingertips up and down my arm. God, why is that tiny touch driving me absolutely crazy? I’ve never thought of myself as a one-night stand girl, but then again, the man I thought I loved was clearly capable of cheating on me.

I get out of bed, grabbing the dress from the night before to slip back into. It’s nothing too fancy, but it’s outside the realm of what I often wear. I tug it up past my hips and struggle to reach the zipper in the back, getting caught every time I get it up, even two inches.

“Let me,” Sebastian murmurs in my ear, his hand finding the zipper. His touch brushes against mine, and I keep myself from shuddering in absolute need to have him again.

“Thanks,” I say quickly.

“Oh, no. Don’t thank me yet. I guarantee that I’ll be making you take off more than just this dress in the future.”

I struggle not to show my cards, wanting to keep my poker face. His closeness makes me feel electric, like I’m just one move from exploding. How does a near-stranger have such an impactful hold?

I feel Sebastian breathing on my neck, which makes me close my eyes in desire and want and neediness. It’s hard to resist him, and I think he knows it.

“In your dreams,” I whisper back at the racer.

Suddenly, my phone begins to ring and it’s deafening. We break apart as I grab it to answer the call. It’s Lucas. I don’t have the energy to deal with him now, but I can end this charade right now.

I stand and push my thick curls away from my face. “I’ll be setting the rules of this game. If you think you’re so wonderful, then you won’t have trouble finding me again.”

Sebastian stops buttoning his top to make eye contact across the hotel room. “Princess, I promise you I’m good at all kinds of games.”

“Then take the challenge,” I provoke. “Find me again.”

We’ll be thousands of miles away from one another. Him in Hawaii. Me in New York.

There’s absolutely no chance we’ll ever meet again.

And I swear on everything I have; I will never let that happen.

This is the end of the line for the two of us. And without giving Sebastian Cain my name, I exit the hotel room with my head held high and make my way back home.

It’s another thirty minutes before I walk in the door, Mom making her way around the house in a frenzy.

“Oh, there you are,” she smiles over at me, pushing her identical curly hair away from her face. “Good, I’m glad you’re here.”

“What’s up?” I ask, flopping down on the couch. We’re surrounded by boxes, containers, and all the necessary things to move. Mom plops beside me, leaning her head back on the comfortable fabric.

“Your stepbrother just left. He told me he met an interesting Hawaiian girl.”

I raise an eyebrow at her. “He’s not my stepbrother just yet. But did he really?”

“That’s what he told me.” She shrugs. “Wants two more days here.”

“Must be nice,” I hum, thinking about last night's activities and Lucas’ betrayal. Two men now that I’m leaving behind. But I promised myself that Sebastian and I wouldn’t meet again. That’s what’s important.

“So, we’ll be going to New York by ourselves.”

“Sounds good.”

She turns her head to me, resting her hand on my leg. “Oh, Eve. You’ll like him. I know you’ve been unable to meet your new stepbrother, but he’s handsome.”

I recoil. “Mom! He’s going to be my brother!”

She laughs. “I know! I’m just saying! You’re like your old mom. You like your men hot.”

I push her shoulder with my own, scoffing at her words. “You’re ridiculous!”

She pushes back. “But I’m your ridiculous!” She slaps the side of the couch, jumping up. “All right, come on, New York isn’t going to wait around!”

I shake my head, rolling my eyes at her comment about my new stepbrother.

Oh, to be another frivolous and self-important man. It must be a whole different world they live in.

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