
Fall in Love with Stepbrother
Fall in Love with Stepbrother
Author: Riley Above Story

Chapter 0001

Evelyn's POV

“Surprise, babe!” I call out over the high volume in the room.

I tear my masquerade mask off my face—though it momentarily gets stuck in my thick, curly hair—revealing my face.

“E-Evelyn?” My boyfriend Lucas stands there, stutters and jumps at my appearance, eyes growing wide with…is it fear? Or anger? Why does he look disappointed to see me?

We’re surrounded by strangers dressed in sparkly gowns and dimmed party lights. The masquerade has been all anyone’s talked about for the past two weeks.

“I’ve uhh, I’ve gotta, you know, perform with the band in a minute. Just, wait here, okay?”

I envisioned surprising him tonight, but this wasn’t what I was hoping for, let alone what to expect. He just sulks away from me, leaving me standing there in confusion

What the fuck?

I don’t understand. Today, of all days, is supposed to be for me. It’s my eighteenth birthday, and tonight’s my last day here. My entire life is changing starting tomorrow.

I wanted to make the day memorable, but I’m stuck at this masquerade party with heartache threatening my tears.

I’m still lost in my thoughts, overthinking every passing second, when my body goes flying away from my spot. I feel a tugging on my arm, and before I have a moment to react, I’m in the arms of a stranger.

With blue eyes hidden beneath his black mask, the young man oozes charm as he smiles down at me with his wide grin. I can’t deny his charming smile as he holds me, and though I am unable to identify him, I can confirm he is, in fact, the sexiest man I’ve ever seen.

Growing up in Hawaii made me a great judge of character regarding men. And this one holds me tight as I stare into his eyes, unable to resist his tight embrace.

Who is this guy?

Out of the corner of my eye, in the partially dark room, a waiter carries a tray of drinks and almost bumps into me due to the momentum of my body flying into the way.

“Oh, excuse me!” He chides, covering his heart with his hand as he sighs in relief. A catastrophe avoided, he nods when he realizes I’m fine, hurrying away.

I turn back to the man, realizing I’ve been staring at him for quite some time, which is unheard of for me. I’m just enamored by this hot stranger.

“Hawaiian girl?” he murmurs, and it’s that moment I realize we’re inches away from one another’s lips, about to kiss.

Embarrassed and worried I’ll look like I’m cheating, I quickly pull away from his arms. “Sorry, I have a boyfriend.”

I run my hand through my thick curls, warmth spreading through my face and body at the idea I could have kissed a guy I don’t know. No matter. It was an accident; those happen all the time.

The man smirks down at me, shrugging his shoulders a little. “A boyfriend? Well, maybe you should try a new flavor tonight.” He winks, sending shivers through me.

“Ew! No!” I shout, immediately turned off by him. I shake my head at him, but he continues watching me. “I’m pleased with what I have, thanks.”

He bends down so he’s closer to my ear, whispering his final sentence. “Well, then. If you change your mind, I’ll be waiting all night, Princess.” With that, he blows me a kiss and heads off in a different direction of the party, disappearing into the throngs of party-goers.

Stunned by this distraction, anxious and impatient, I saunter out of my corner to locate Lucas.

I picture my stunning, beautiful mother, Madelyn, as I stomp around the party. She’s getting remarried soon. While I’m happy for her, I’m also moving away from everything I’ve ever known. She’d pitched it like an adventure to me, that we’d travel together to New York for an entirely new life.

“Think about it, Eve,” she whispered in my dark childhood bedroom. “Imagine a whole new world waiting for you.”

While the idea of something new could be so fun, and I trust my mom, the last thing I want is to leave Lucas. He’s everything I’ve wanted in a relationship since I was young: his love, commitment, and kindness, all a perfect bundle wrapped up in those gorgeous brown eyes that make my heart skip daily. This move means that this relationship could crumble faster than a sandcastle being hit by waves at the beach.

There are going to be even fewer opportunities for us to meet up in the future. We’re still so young. How do I fight against nature and its ever-changing forces?

I bob and weave through all the people I don’t recognize, trying to get wind of Lucas from any direction. Up ahead, I call out to a girl I recognize— Marcy, I think? — smiling at her before I ask if she’s seen Lucas.

“Uh, I think he’s in the corner room? He’s been bragging like an asshat all night, surprised you haven’t heard his ego above the noise.”

I furrow my brows. “Bragging about what?”

Marcy turns to look around before meeting my gaze again. “You know Sebastian? Lucas is apparently his absolute ride-or-die best friend. He’s told anyone who’ll listen that they’re best friends, and he wouldn’t miss his buddy’s birthday for the world.”


“Wait, who’s Sebastian?” I’m utterly dumbfounded and can feel the world spinning around me. Lucas knew today was my birthday. And he’s off celebrating some guy I’ve never heard of?

Marcy has a clear, genuine surprise covering her entire expression, and she laughs as though I’m pranking her. “Sebastian Cain? He’s an F1 racer. Pretty famous guy, too. This party is for him, and I bet you nearly every girl here hopes they’ll catch his eye.”

I still don’t get it. I’ve never heard of a Sebastian Cain. In fact, Lucas has never mentioned being friends with any racers.

It takes a moment before I realize she’s pointing out a guy who stands at the bottom of the steps, surrounded by a circle of other girls. The guy from before. The one I couldn’t stop staring at just a few minutes ago.

Then, as if aware of my presence, Sebastian Cain looks to his left and up at me, locking eyes. In a panic, I start running away from his gaze, heading toward the corner room to find Lucas.

Flustered, I finally reach the corner room. The door is already ajar, and I push forward to find my boyfriend, the man I love, embracing another girl.

Heartache and anger flare through me, my body tumbling into a downward spiral of painful emotions. How the hell could Lucas do this to me?

And on my birthday of all days?

Finally noticing me, Lucas furrows his brows as he pulls away from the other girl. “Can we help you?” He asks, deadpanned.

She runs her hand down his arm, but I still don’t move, frozen in place as my mind does somersaults.

I breathe heavily, unsure what to do in this instance.

“Hello?” The mystery girl sing-songs. “You’re kinda interrupting something.”

That cracks the ice around me.

“Are you fucking kidding me, Lucas? Seriously? Who the fuck is this?”

He looks at the girl and back to me, but there’s no life in his eyes. Then, to her, he simply says, “I’m sorry, I don’t know what she’s rambling about.”

I think I’m going to fall over and die right now because I can’t believe I’m hearing this.

“She’s probably just off her meds, no idea who this is.”

Those shitty words shake me clear of my emotions, and I take off running. Heartbroken, angry, confused, embarrassed, every emotion that could cloud my mind. I head into the only direction I have left.

Pushing through the crowd, the girls, and the stares, I stop right in front of Sebastian Cain. I don’t know this guy. But right now, I don’t give a damn.

“Remember what you said before? Make good on it. Now.”

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