

I have returned home without meeting Reynard again. I didn’t respond to Daxon because I couldn’t find the right words to tell him to fuck off.

Anything I say to him will cause him to become more abusive than ever. I was able to get into my room without getting spotted by anyone. Once I have freshened up, I lay down straight in my bed and watched the ceiling while recalling Reynard spreading his arms around me on the wall and caging me between his muscular existence.

Back when I was in my body, I never imagined thinking about anyone else. Arlene’s one magic move pushed me into a realm of new possibilities and perspectives.

"He is so different," I whispered, feeling goosebumps take over my skin. As if he had heard me, his message popped up on my screen, and I held the phone above my face to stare at his name only for a few seconds.

Rey: I will deal with those ass-fuckers. They will not bother you again.

Once I read his message, my heart jumped out of my chest in exclamation. I was overl
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