
Chapter Ninety Five

Celeste’s POV

Time stands still around us as we stare at one another in angst.

There lies the man I chose for Hati in this lifetime. The son of his last host.

He looks well, muscular built, yet his eyes lack something that his other hosts held.

He doesn’t look crazed and angry. Instead, he seems sad and anguished.

The look does not suit him, yet that is his look, and it somehow sits perfectly on his face.

“Celeste…” Hati speaks through his host. His voice is low and menacing, precisely as I remember his voice to be.

“Hati, must you keep me standing here in the cold? Aren’t you going to invite me in…”

“What do you want?” He asks.

“To talk. It’s been an awfully long while, my friend.”

“It has; the cycles have passed by in a blur… you best come in then. I’ll have someone make some tea if that is still palatable for you.”

“I’m not thirsty,” I announce, walking up the steps into the house. Pushing past Hati’s host, his warm skin snapped the life out of me in the briefest of touches.

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