
Chapter Thirty Three: And who was I to think I could save him?

Mac’s family was having a party, they had invited us and somehow this news excited my sisters way more than it excited me.

They chatted about how grand it would be and I couldn't blame them for wanting something exciting and out of the norm. They spoke about beautiful I would look and how Mac wouldn't be able control himself and his sight from me and I knew the possibility of that happening eas next to none. I thought if they knew how we left things off the last time we saw, if he had his way, he would probably be demenading for my head right now.

Amanda and I shared knowing looks when they said he must have missed me while I was away but even that look meant nothing. We were in different head spaces. I was still in paradise according to Amanda, she didn't know how badly that one date had caused my roommate pain.

Speaking of which my roommate as as drama queen that she was had not stopped blowing up my phone with text messages ever since we got here, It was amusing.

When I told her
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