
Chapter Thirty Two: A warm Welcome.

I was waiting for the cab that would drive me back while hugging Lola for the seventh time in the lapse of an hour.

Finally, we were done with tests and had a little break so I was going home, I had tried on some tests and done poorly on some but I was optimistic about most of them, and most of all, I was excited to leave for home. Distance does make the heart fonder.

The journey was short, but I slept all through, one moment I was leaning my head against the window frame, and the next moment I had zoned off into the sweet arms of sleep.

It was Amanda’s shriek that woke me up and for the first few moments after I heard her scream, I wondered if Lola had followed me back but I knew I was wrong and I laughed softly when the brown hair of Amands engulfed me in a hug.

“ You're suffocating me” I managed to say, truthfully she was, she had climbed on top of me where I sat in the back seat and was now holding me in a deadly grip.

When did she get so touchy?

She pushed back a little and
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