


     He felt an itch on his back. He didn't bother reaching to scratch it since he also felt sore on that same area. So he ignored it as he continued his way home. He also ignored the looks he received as he passed a street. Normally he'd take the longer route of alleyways but he was nearly late for a gig Miss Sarah had set him up with. He still needed to take a quick, cold shower since the water heater at home had broken down years ago and he knew his landlord would kick him out if he dared utter a word about it. It was the cheapest house in town and his landlord was a forty something, always as high as a kite and had no family member visits.

    He tried putting more weight on his left leg to help ease the ache that was starting to worry his right. He needed to hurry too. The income from the gig would help with a month's groceries. Two months if they wanted to be stingy. Miss Sarah, the very nice old lady who lived in a lovely bungalow next to their own shitty house. The very nice lady who hasn't stopped being very nice to them even when he'd tried stopping her on several occasions. 

      He hated pity, hated when people gave him the sympathetic look that said so many things he didn't want to think about. He clutched his satchel tighter and kept his head down as he passed the last few blocks before his house came into view. He walked quickly to his doorstep. Their house didn't have a lawn or a picket fence like most of the other houses in the area. Just piles of dirt and dog poop. He opened it and went in, taking a deep breath as the door slammed shut.

       "Hey, you're home." A pair of arms surrounded his neck and a peck landed on his right cheek.

         He stiffened. "Don't do that ever again."

          A giggle came out of her.

          "Awwn, Arc is angry. Want a kiss?"

   "Don't be childish." He unwrapped her arms from his neck and hissed at the pain that shot through his back. He held back a moan. 

      "Are you okay?"

     "I'm fine. I'm gonna go shower."

      "Okay." She patted his shoulder. "Go on then."

    He started to move when she stopped him.

     "Sarah dropped something for you. It's in your room." His room was a small basement that had just a window and was really cold at night sometimes. He went there and bent when he reached the doorway which caused a hitch in his breath as the ache in his leg worsened. Damn it. He was out of pain reliefs and he couldn't rush to the store. Sarge had made him do overtime. Again.

     He stopped beside his bed and eyed the big blue, glittery package that stared up at him. He ran his hands over the bow on it before carefully loosening the ribbon and his heart skipped at the suit, neatly folded in it. He took it out and fingered the dark, expensive looking fabric. His eyes went to the black leather venetian mask that laid in the box with a small note under it. 


         He took the note first.

 - It was my son's. It's yours now.

         He dropped the note on the bed and took the mask. The material was very light and silky on the inner layer, making it tolerant for him and would cover his whole face. Wouldn't show how hideous he was. He hadn't thought of what to wear. It was a masquerade party with rich moguls and bigwigs with celebrities showing up too. Arc wondered if it'd be like the books he read. He doubted it. 

      He carefully placed it on the bed and the suit beside it. He got up and went to the bathroom that was across his room, the only bathroom in the house. He took off his clothes and hastened in scrubbing his body with soap and didn't even feel the sharp bite of pain from his back as he rinsed. He barely noticed the icy coldness of the water. He wrapped his body in a towel and rushes back to his bedroom.

     He didn't hurry as he put on the black pants and white undershirt. He wore the suit jacket and groaned at how soft the material was on his body. It was a little bit tight around his underarm but it fit him perfectly. He felt good. He took the mask and placed it on his face. He buckles it at the back of his head. He walked out of his room and slowly made steps into the living room area that was also their kitchen. He watched as Penelope's mouth gapes open as she eyed him.

     "Is it bad?"

      "If I wasn't your sister, I'll be swayed off my feet and propose to you instead of the other way round. You look like one of those Spanish musketeers without the sword thingy." She smiles. "You look wonderful."

      "Don't exaggerate, at least the mask covers my face."

     She sniffs and covers her mouth. 

      "Why are you crying?" Arc felt awkward. He didn't know what to do or say as a tear fell down her cheek. Soon, others followed. "Don't cry Penelope. You're making this what it isn't." He frowned. 

      "Don't mind me. I'm just happy."

       "Why? Because I'm wearing a suit that costs more than a year of groceries." He said in a matter of fact.

        "You're so much more Arc. I wish you could see that."

         "I know I am now stop crying. I'm gonna be late. I'll probably not be home till twelve so don't wait up for me like you usually do when I'm running late." He glares at her. "You're sixteen and shouldn't be sleeping late. Don't wait for me."

       She wipes and rolls her eyes. "Sure, anything for you big bro. I'm going to bed already anyways."

      He stared at her with his eyes raised. Her auburn hair was a stark contrast with his black one, well, what was left of it anyways, and her big brown eyes to his pale blue ones. He'd say his sister was lovely, if he was another dude with an eye for women. The few freckles outlined on her nose made her look younger and more innocent. She was entirely different from him. His description contains disgust and barf.

        He knew it and has accepted it. 

      "Don't look at me like that Arc, I'm your sister." She grinned.

        "I'm leaving."

        "Okay, have fun. I know you wouldn't but I still had to say it."

        "Sarah also said you should use her car. Here's the key." She throws a key at him and he caught it. "Atta boy, now go win a prince's heart."

          That'd never happen. They both knew it.


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