

All the lords of Britaris were seen seated, along with the ladies, no one wore a smile on their faces, they just lost a fellow lord, the once peaceful land and turned into a sorrowful one.

"I say we wedge against them, we are going to make sure no witch makes it out alive" Delphine said in a stern voice, and she'll be leading the war.

"But don't you.."

"No more objections, Moreau…or are you doing this because of the woman" Delphine chimed in referring to Estelle La Fey, she's totally different from the weak and delicate Delphine they used to know.

" It's not that.."

" I hope so, so if you don't feel like joining me in this war, I suggest you step back, xandre province is going to take care of it all" Delphine stated, she will not rest until there's no living witch on earth, they are all going to pay with their lives for Killing her husband.

" We are all with you, Hugo was not just a lord but a friend, and he must get the justice he deserves, so we are all with you.. what do you say Mo
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