
Chapter 4 HUNT


I looked at the full moon and for the first time instead of feeling free I felt my soul being shackled by the unknown.

That look that Alpha Lorcan gave me last night kept lingering in my mind. Once again, I looked down and clutched my necklace.

I added another layer of insurance and hoped my caution would help me get through this one.

As long as I can successfully hide my scent until the whole event is over, I can embrace my freedom again. No one can bind me down.

Taking a deep breath, I looked around. Most of the females were feeling excited and giddy about the possibility of mating with their soul mate for eternity.

The setup of the whole maze was indeed impressive and every female was assigned a different entryway to enter the maze.

I was escorted to my assigned gate by two female members of Alpha Lorcan’s pack. These women’s strong body built indicated that they had female warriors in their pack as well, which was another surprise for me.

Most of the packs only train females so that they can defend themselves but this pack’s dynamics are clearly different than the regular ones indicating why they are the most powerful pack.

I shook my head and tried to channel out all the excited energy around me and focused on the maze map for the last time.

According to this, I am at entry gate number 7, and the closest way to make it out of this maze is to pass the deepest part of the rogue forest. That can easily put my life in danger, but that’s my only option if I want to leave this place on time.

After the final long bell, all the gates opened and we were allowed to enter the maze. I made sure to not touch anything to avoid leaving a trail. I focused on my path and soon heard some mournful screams ringing out nearby.

"NO! Please don't..."

"I caught you and now you're forever mine."

The male's cruel attitude and the female's painful wail made my gut clench and I gritted my teeth to control the rage building inside me.

Poor women, they were forced to mate with assholes they didn’t want.

Is it really necessary?

I sometimes feel humans are better than us wolves when it comes to finding their soulmate, they at least have the right to decide when or to whom they’ll marry in fact they also get a chance to date each other.

I hoped I could do something to help but checking the time, I had no time to waste. I came here alone and can only worry about myself at the moment.

I continued my path and found the curved that I was looking for.

This turn will reduce my journey to the end in half, but before that, I need to find a place from where I will be able to check my surroundings for any potential danger. It’s a rogue territory after all. I can’t take any risks.

I was about to move when a woman suddenly blocked my way. She wore shorts with a grey crop top and long boots, obviously having no intention to hide from her mate and even wanting to complete the mating at the first meeting.

So why the hell was she trying to get in my way?

"Excuse me?” looked at her with a raised brow.

“Stay away from him you sl*t!” She yelled at me with inexplicable hostility, which made Hera growl in my mind. But it's not the time to fight with her.

“Oh…you mean your man?" I shrugged nonchalantly. "Don’t worry, you have my word. I have no interest in stealing other's mate.”

I just wanted to continue my path but my words somehow hit her nerve. She suddenly rammed to my side but I skirted her.

"What the hell do you want?" I couldn't help but glare at her with irritation.

“Listen you b*tch, stay the hell away from my Alpha Lorcan. Don't think you might be able to climb into his bed just because he helped you last night. He is mine!” She shouted and I cringed at the sound of her shrill voice.

I rubbed my ears, making sure that were still working after her assault.

I swear if something happened to my poor ears, I’ll sue her for the damage.

Wait…did she just that Alpha Lorcan is HER mate?

Does that mean my wolf was wrong?

“B*tch I am doing my own thing, it’s you who’s wasting my time.” I crossed my arms and she narrowed her eyes at me.

“Don’t act in front of me. I know why you are here. Alpha Lorcan is guarding the Rogue area and you just want to seduce him first.” She spat and I cursed at the news.

What the hell is he doing there?

“Seduce him? What is he? A teenage boy?”

“Sh*t up! I won’t let you seduce him. He is supposed to be mine and he will be.” She re-emphasized.

“Yours? Are you trying to say that he is not your mate and you plan to seduce him?” I taunted as an inexplicable emotion rolled through my chest.

This doesn’t make any sense. If Alpha Lorcan is her fated mate then why is she so worried? Why would she need to seduce him unless she is planning something else?

This is sick!

She wants to steal someone else’s mate!

“What I plan to do or not to do has nothing to do with you.” She said haughtily and I rolled my eyes.

As if Alpha Lorcan will even give her his time, he is a man of self-control. Well, if not, then the little respect I had for him will be lost.

“Okay, do whatever you want.” I shrugged and turned around but soon the voice of bone crunching and a growl stopped me.

I turned back to see a sleek grey wolf growling at me.

Hell, this damn woman is absolutely crazy.

“You couldn’t keep your mask on huh? I mean all that makeup and fancy dresses couldn't change the fact that you're just a nobody, right?" She marched closer as her voice sounded as cold as the hiss of a poisonous snake.

"Guess if I ruin your beautiful face, what capital do you have to seduce men? Oh, maybe I can also kill you, after all here is Rogue’s lair, a few casualties are inevitable."

Then she dashed towards me and I dodged her attack and fall down.

My wolf Hera didn’t take it lightly, she wanted to answer her wolf and was growling and clamoring and wanted to tear her head off.

But I couldn’t risk shifting. Or my bracelet will break and it will be easier to trace my scent.

She came at me again and I dodged her attack again but this time I hurt myself in the process.

Sh*t! This isn’t good.

The scent of blood in the area of rogues could attract danger. I looked around to check if we were being watched when I heard the chattering which sounded more like a wolf laughing.

Is she laughing at me?

The smug look on her wolf’s face told me what she was thinking.

She was thinking that I am so weak that even on a full moon I am not letting my wolf out and gloating inside.

Doesn’t she know that she is breaking the rules?

She can get punished for attacking another female or her own mate.

“You do know that you can get punished for doing all this right? I already said I'm not interested in your stupid seduction plan for Alpha Lorcan. And if you keep doing this to provoke me or fight me, it can get you and your pack in trouble.” I warned her but she didn’t want to listen.

She was about to pounce on me again when a strong, majestic, and magnetic roar stopped her.

We both turned to look at a dark figure walking towards us.

His strong aura enveloped us and the wolf instantly lay on her stomach in the form of submission. When the person walked out of darkness I gasped loudly.

It was him.

Alpha Lorcan.

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