
Chapter 78 FACE OFF


The sun's gentle rays painted the world with a renewed sense of hope, and unexpectedly, the day unfolded with a grace I had not anticipated. Despite the lingering weight of the previous night's confrontation with Lorcan, a surprising tranquility settled over me, like a blanket of serenity that shielded me from the storm within.

As I navigated through the hours, I found myself navigating through a sea of tasks and responsibilities with a sense of purpose that hadn't wavered especially after last night. The looming darkness of doubt that had cast its shadow over my thoughts seemed to retreat, replaced by a newfound clarity that lent strength to my resolve.

Strangely, my wolf remained subdued, her usual insistent and needy voice replaced by a calm understanding that mirrored my own. It was as if she, too, recognized the futility of engaging in a battle that would only escalate the turmoil within us. The growing life within me, a testament to our connection, became a focal po
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