
Chapter 3

Nathan and his father are in the study room and Mr Williams is very upset and ashamed of his son. He’s tired of Nathan’s behavior so he’s going to give him a choice and an ultimatum that will determine his future in the family business and his inheritance.

“Listen Dad I’m sorry about…”

“Nathan you are my son and I love so much so I want you to pay attention to what I’m gonna say”

“Yes dad, I’m listening”

“I know you and I don’t see eye to eye when it comes to your personal life choices and I have come to realize that you are bad at these choices looking at the way you barged in with a strange woman holding hands knowing fully well you have a wife, these kind of decisions have brought nothing but pain to your mother and shame to my name.”

“But dad!”

“ Let me finish. I’m going to talk as a father and I will advise you as a man. Yesterday I got a disturbing call from officer Andrew informing me how you were putting my name to shame in that prison cell, telling everyone how I own the police and can end people’s careers if they mess with you. Is that how I brought you up?”

“I’m so sorry dad I..”

“ I said listen to me damn it! I wanted you to spend the weekend in that prison cell thinking maybe just maybe you can lean a lesson or two but I realized all this will just affect my reputation and your mother’s health.”

“I decided against it and told your godfather the General to talk to his officers promising him it will not happen again. Next time you find yourself in such a mess for stupid reasons I will simply disown you.”

“I promise it won’t.”

Get me some water from the fridge.”

“Yes father”

“Who is the lady you came with?”

“She’s my girl friend we’ve dated for two years now and I was planning to settle down with her before you Forced me into marrying that young girl.”

“Does she know you are married?”

“Yes she does, dad I don’t see a future with Angela please return her to her parents and I will settle her father’s medical bills and when the time is right, I will settle down with Rebeca. I love her dad.”

“Son you don’t love her because if you did, you wouldn’t have been sleeping around like you are a prostitute.”

“Now this is why I called you, Angela is your legal wife so I have decided that you will take your her home with you today and start thinking of how you are going to give me grandchildren.”

“I’m sorry dad but I can’t, I don’t love that girl, I can’t live in the same house with her and she’s not my class.How will people and my friends look at me? Sorry but you have to take her back to her parent’s house because I’m not going with her anywhere.”

“Well it’s either Angela or you lose your inheritance”


“Yes. Give me grandkids with Angela and after 2-5 years if Angela decides to divorce you then you can get a divorce but you can’t make the first step of leaving the marriage because if you do, I will give your inheritance to Angela.”

Nathan is shocked his day can’t get any worse, he can’t believe his father is doing this to him. For what reason, he has no idea.

“Dad I’m sorry for everything, my behavior towards you, Mum and everyone else. Me charging woman and putting your name to shame I’m sorry, but please don’t do this to me. If not for me, do it for Angela she will be miserable with me because she won’t get the love she deserves. Please dad reconsider.”

“I have made up my mind and I’m giving you 2 years to give me a grandchild with Angela failure to which, I will start removing 20% of your inheritance and putting it in Angela’s name.”

“God damn it dad! Why Angela of all the girls? Why can’t I pick my own woman? Why didn’t you find me someone better? Okay I have learnt my lesson because this is worse than jail.”

“I believe she is the best choice for you, she is innocent and she will take care of you and our family secrets. She is someone you can trust never to betray you to your enemies.”

“And you know this how?”

“I have known her family since her grandfather, Loyalty is in their blood. So Starting from today, you will give Angela the respect she deserves and never should you bring another whore to my house especially when I’m having my breakfast.”


“You can leave now”

Nathan leaves the study shocked, angry and sad thinking how he’s going to tell Rebeca that he can’t divorce Angela in 6 months as they had planned maybe at least after five years.

He can’t change his dad’s decision when it’s been made and he can’t lose his inheritance so he had to endure the long five years. As Nathan is his father’ son, he has a plan up on his sleeves that will make Angela push for divorce without getting his hands dirty or losing his inheritance.

“where is Angela?”

“Son is everything alright”

“Yes mum, where is she?”

“I’m sure she’s in her room”

“Babe what’s going on”

“Rebeca let me find you in the car we are leaving.”

“Nathan talk to us what’s going on? Why are you looking for Angela?”

“Natalie not now, don’t you have something better to do with your fiancé instead of peddling in my business.”

Angela is in her room talking to her elder sister on phone about what happened earlier in the dining room. She’s upset because she’s the one who has to carry the cross for the family. Complaining how her mother and sister in law treat her like a nobody. Its only Mr. Williams who is on her side.

Angela Baker can’t believe her dream of becoming a lawyer is slowly fading away because what these people want is just for her to be a good housewife, and bare children like her mother in law.

[knock on door]

“Carol I have to go there’s someone at the door will call you later. Bye.”

[Knock continuously]

“Angela are you in! it’s me Nathan.”

Angela is surprised wondering what He wants.

“Come in Nathan.”

“Hi, you are coming to live with me at my house so I will come pick you up around 17 hours I should find you prepared.”


Nathan walks out and shuts the door.

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