

Valor sat in the dining with his parents and his brother, Stone having dinner together, when he got a call from Collins.

"Has it been done?" He asked.

"Yes," Collins replied. "As I speak to you, Uncle Hazel is in City hospital, and his condition is beyond saving. You can confirm it, for the avoidance of doubt. I've sent you a video footage I was able to retrieve from the hospital."

"Okay, thank you. I'll confirm it right away."

After the call ended, his brother Stone asked him, "What was that about?"

"Hold on," Valor told him. He made a few calls and confirmed that Hazel had indeed been in an accident.

After the call ended, he exclaimed, "Yes! Finally!"

"What's happening?" His mom asked him. "Do you have good news to share?"

"Of course, Mom," he replied. "I have amazing news. Hazel has been in a terrible accident and he's in a state of coma and will probably never wake up again."

His father, who was eating, dropped his spoon and asked, "What? Hazel was in an accident? What
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Comments (11)
goodnovel comment avatar
Hazel might be temporarily out of the picture but I'm loving this new Miranda. nice plotting author Kane
goodnovel comment avatar
nice one Miranda,but don't hurt yourself,I just hope Hazel will get well.
goodnovel comment avatar
Richard Freeman
get well soon Hazel, nice one Miranda, show them who's boss

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