
43~ Jenny

“Awwwwww,” Rita swooned the moment she found Chris waiting for her outside the Jones’ group. It seemed he had been waiting the whole time when she was in the meeting.

She walked towards the car and got into the backseat as Chris turned to look at her.

“You’re done? How did it go?” Chris asked as he closed the file he was looking at while Rita closed the door and made herself comfortable.

“It went great actually. Eric, like you said, took the bait. I now know the directors who worked with him in his scheme,” she said, sighing slightly. The whole ordeal was mentally draining for her.

“Ok good. We just need to find evidence and have them locked up. Did the prick do anything to you?” Chris asked, gritting his teeth as his nostrils flared slightly. He had caught a whiff of a musky manly scent on Rita.

“Uhm..” Rita cleared her throat as she tried to look at the surrounding tall buildings, the car had started off the moment she closed the door.


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Comments (7)
goodnovel comment avatar
He is an abuser
goodnovel comment avatar
Rita confessed her love to Chris. So does he still want revenge or does he still love her?
goodnovel comment avatar
A good lovestory. inspired much.

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