
She's DEAD


She stole my heart

Episode Nine


"Where is she" I asked Philip as soon as he walked into the room.

"Am sorry price but her last stop was her house and we haven't found out anything else"he said.

"Damn it,I shouldn't have let her leave on her own now have lost her"I said bowing my head. When I felt something jump on the table. I turned and saw Aaron,my pet panther.

"You know something right?"I asked and he smirked.

"Show me"I commanded and he walked towards me,I placed my palm on his head. I saw everything,it came flashing to me I saw how she fought the flins and when she unknowingly used her powers to kill them when she saw her friend and when they took her.

"Thank you"I placed my head on his head.

"You have to hurry up"he said and rushed to my bike and drove off in full speed.

"Lina am coming for you I won't let any harm come to you I promise"I said and zoomed off.

 I stopped my bike in front of an abandoned house in the outskirts of the city. I broke the door and saw her on the ground lying helplessly. I picked her and put her on the bed there,look at her I could have imagined how much pain she went through last night.

"Mom"she whispered and a tear dropped from her eyes.

"Shh am here Cata"I whispered and she flinched and woke up pushing me in the process. My back hit the wall and I looked at her and saw the familiar fear in her eyes.

"What are you doing here"she said.

"I came to take you"

"I don't understand how did I end up here in the first place where is Priscilla,she's at home,I need to get her to the hospital"she said crying,o tried to calm her down.

"Cata calm down please"I said trying to hold her.

"No leave me let me go,she needs me!"


"No!"she pushed me but I held her shoulders.

"She's DEAD!"I shouted and she fell to knees and broke into tears.

"No"she sob and I hugged her tightly surprisingly,she hugged me back crying.

"Its okay lina am here,I'll never leave you never again.

  After she cried seriously,she become weak,it was almost dark. I was wondering why they made it so easy for me to find her.

"We need to get out of here now" I said and she looked at me and nodded. I lifted her in my arms when a blast sent us to the ground  us   occurred sending us to the ground. I knew they would definitely come for us but there is no way and letting them take her away from me ever again.

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