
It Means More


“What’s his prognosis?” He all but whispered, looking the doctor right in the eyes. If Dr. Christie had noticed the size of the bomb he had just inadvertently dropped on Kaden, he didn’t let on.

He ran a hand through his graying hair, but there was nothing casual about the gesture. I didn’t know the man, but I recognized the signs when I saw them. In front of me was a man who was about to deliver really bad news. The lines on his face seemed to deepen right before my eyes, a ragged exhale and a soft shake of his head confirming my fears.

“Your dad is on life support,” he said. At least he had the decency and probably the years of experience that allowed his voice to remain steady and to keep his gaze firm on Kaden’s. He wasn’t going to give him any false hope or make any promises he knew he wasn’t going to be able to keep. “At the moment, these machines are the only thing keeping him alive.”

This time, I definitely felt him sway. He was holding my hand so tightly it felt like it
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